Below you can find the first teaser poster and trailer forPsych 9, which opens theatrically in the UK on February 5th 2010, with a small Us theatrical release expected for later in 2010. The new horror/thriller from directorAndrew Shortelland writerLawrence RobinsonstarsSara Foster(The Big Boun...
As the late psychologist and Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman observed in Thinking Fast and Slow, “Nothing in life is as important as you think it is, while you are thinking about it.” Count your blessings. Pause to be mindful of the positive people and events in your life. An old ...
As the late psychologist and Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman observed in Thinking Fast and Slow, “Nothing in life is as important as you think it is, while you are thinking about it.” Count your blessings. Pause to be mindful of the positive people and events in your life. An old ...
Comments by Olga Runciman, Cand Psych BSc Showing 100 of 145 comments.Show all.
And they better be because "The Riffalicious Stoner Dudes" brought some savage riffage of their own! Put it all together with amazing artwork by Mirkow Gastow and release it on Heavy Psych Sounds, the BEST record label on the planet... and you've got all the makings of a great record...
Do you wish there was a magic pill to get off psychiatric medication as quickly as easily as you got on? Do you long for that alive, alert and connected feeling you once had in life? Do concerns about how to get off psychiatric medication negatively affect your life?
(This is the second post of three which comprise the preface of my book. If you missed the first one, scroll down to the next post.) Jung conceived this cycle as a re-adaptation, on progressively higher levels, to the spirit: the dark, unconscious life-energy driving material existence....
The way to form space between a private and their busy mind is how we see playing guitar as a variety of mindful escapism. Besides helping you develop a greater sense of private achievement, guitar-playing is helpful to your overall well-being and mental state in other ways, too. 1. Play...
You are visitor number: Site News Member Registration Closed New member registration has been removed. The vast majority of new registrations are spam accounts that I have to manually remove. If you want to join as a new member, click the below link to my bio and contact me, requesting to...
Respondent behavior: try to poke you in the eye, you flinch, not learned Operant behavior: learned didnt know not to touch the hot stove until you got burned Latent learning: lazy learning--> only doing something because you get a reward (dog only sits when they get a reward) Cognitive ...