Friday Night Funkin' - Psych Engine Engine originally used on Mind Games Mod, intended to be a fix for the vanilla version's many issues while keeping the casual play aspect of it. Also aiming to be an easier alternative to newbie coders. More lua files running in a single folder (androi...
after it finishes, simply type haxelib run hmm install in order to install all the needed libraries for Psych Engine! Customization: if you wish to disable things like Lua Scripts or Video Cutscenes, you can read over to Project.xml inside Project.xml, you will find several variables to cust...
A Developer-friendly FNF Engine... A Friday Night Funkin' (FNF) Mod in the Executables category, submitted by Shadow Mario
Engine originally used on Mind Games mod. Contribute to ShadowMario/FNF-PsychEngine development by creating an account on GitHub.
Engine originally used onMind Games Mod, intended to be a fix for the vanilla version's many issues while keeping the casual play aspect of it. Also aiming to be an easier alternative to newbie coders. Installation: You must havethe most up-to-date version of Haxe, seriously, stop using...
vlc/bitmap/VlcBitmap.hx (line 246) vlc/bitmap/VlcBitmap.hx (line 331) openfl/events/EventDispatcher.hx (line 402) openfl/display/DisplayObject.hx (line 1399) Uncaught Error: VLC caught an error!Please report this error to the GitHub page:>...
ShadowMario / FNF-PsychEngine Public template Notifications Fork 2.2k Star 1.2k Permalink Comparing changes Choose two branches to see what’s changed or to start a new pull request. If you need to, you can also compare across forks or learn more about diff comparisons. base: 0.5.3b...
D:\FNF-PsychEngine-experimental\export\release\windows\obj>setlocal enabledelayedexpansion Warning: Could not find Visual Studio VsDevCmd Missing HXCPP_VARS Error: Could not automatically setup MSVC Contributor NexIsDumb commented Oct 15, 2023 • edited uuhhh C:/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/flixel-ui/2...
Engine originally used on Mind Games mod. Contribute to ShadowMario/FNF-PsychEngine development by creating an account on GitHub.
If you want video support on your mod, simply do haxelib install hxCodec on a Command prompt/PowerShell otherwise, you can delete the "VIDEOS_ALLOWED" Line on Project.xml Android Port Credits: Its-me-a-guy (idklool) - Psych Engine Port and Removed Mod Folder Dxgamer - Coder Help Credit...