attachment historypersonality of the partnerssocial support sandwich generation middle adults have to care for their children and parents Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love intimacy, passion, commitment Primary and secondary appraisal primary: when we consider if the situation is threatening or not...
1. Trust vs mistrust (attachment)2. Autonomy vs shame (sense of self)3. Initiative vs guilt (sense of self)4. Industry (competance) vs inferiority5. Identity vs role confusion Explain the psychosocial stages from birth to 18 Cognitive theory Theory that thinking is central aspect, children ...
Attachment theory. - Identified the characteristics of a child's attachment to his/her caregiver and the phases that a child experiences when separated from the caregiver. Mary Ainsworth and The Strange Situation Mother and childStranger entersMother leaves (1st separation)Mother returns, stranger leav...
secure, avoidant, and resistant, and disorganized attachment, disorganized- usually child that has been abused and neglected conflicting emotions, pushing away because they are unsure of trust avoidant- when mom leaves room, baby does not respond, baby pushes away when mom returns ...
Attachment, self-concept, and identity development. Teratogens Harmful agents (e.g., alcohol, drugs) that can cause birth defects. How does maternal stress impact the baby as a teratogen and what can the exposure cause? Maternal stress acts as a teratogen by increasing levels of cortisol and ...
a "central virtue" which is then split into more dimensions Evaluation, Favorability, or "Social Desirability" (SD): good vs. bad, though typically emphasizing morality tends to generalize across cultures?? Second factor of personality Social self regulation: Restraint from misbehavior - from doing...
Research on intergenerational transmission of attachment patterns has shown that the way adults recall their early experiences with their own parents is likely to influence the way they respond to their own children. If breathing has not begun within 5 minutes after birth, the baby is at risk of...
the central route to persuasion B groupthink C the door-in-the-face technique D the self-serving bias E an algorithm A Barney is a somewhat distractible second-grade student who finds schoolwork a bit boring. After a couple of minutes of working silently, Barney often starts to misbehave unt...
As the founder of attachment theory, this theorist placed a strong emphasis on maternal deprivation, which was identified as the continual disruption of attachment between infant and mother that could result in long-term cognitive, social, and emotional difficulties in the child: John Bowlby Based ...
Attachment, self-concept, and identity development. Teratogens Harmful agents (e.g., alcohol, drugs) that can cause birth defects. How does maternal stress impact the baby as a teratogen and what can the exposure cause? Maternal stress acts as a teratogen by increasing levels of cortisol and ...