Define mood. 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 pervasive and sustained emotion that may have a major influence on a person's perception of the world. 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 95 建立者 Nathalinx Mood disorder, Personality Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Substance Abuse ...
PSY 101 Exam 4 74个词语 Emma_Warsaw5 此创建者的其他学习集 Kinesiology 270 Exam Two 25个词语 tessarobertson Nursing 212 Exam One 22个词语 tessarobertson Nutrition 130 Exam #1 67个词语 tessarobertson Psychology 100 - Exam 3 97个词语 tessarobertson...
Chapter 3 26個詞語 laurenearls12預覽 Unit 6 Vocab 12個詞語 AI55ATOU預覽 HDF Exam 2 52個詞語 ryangarr3472預覽 AP Psych Unit 9 Review pt 1 43個詞語 sophiad2022預覽 Psych-2301 Chapter 8 Quiz 25個詞語 Zoe_Bowles45預覽 PSYCH chapter 6 60個詞語 Ashistrash_預覽 本學習集中的詞語(76) Leadi...
SOC 101 Exam #3 48個詞語 mmlojko5預覽 Difference between period and cohort effects 57個詞語 NeighborhoodNick007預覽 PSYCH 210: Exam 3 263個詞語 lamtran1996預覽 Quiz 11 7個詞語 veronica_o14預覽 WCF Chronic, Disability, and EOL Care 16個詞語 gabmiller610預覽 Week 2 118個詞語 benzmcgee預覽 ...
28个词语 sabimosleh Module 25 (Unit V) 41个词语 Destiny_Meeks1 此创建者的其他学习集 exam 3 Chapter 11 41个词语 meghanstephany Biopsych exam 2 chapter 4 pt 2 34个词语 meghanstephany Bio Psych exam 1 chapter 2 55个词语 meghanstephany child psych exam 5 chapter 16 29个词语 meghanstephany...
Personality Psych: Exam 1, Part 1 37个词语 daniel_chen72 Personality Psych: Exam 2, Part 1 43个词语 daniel_chen72 Personality Psych: Exam 2, Part 3 33个词语 daniel_chen72 Personality Psych: Exam 2, Part 4 24个词语 daniel_chen72 你可能还喜欢... personality psych chapter 9 26个词语 jh...
History of Psych exam 1 CH4您今天想如何学习? 单词卡 复习词语和定义 学习 借助学习路径专注于您的学习 测试 进行测试 配对 更快速地匹配词语 o Changed how learning was studied (from speculation to actually being scientifically investigated)o Used nonsense syllables to study memory processes- focus of ...
Psych: Leadership & Ethics Exam #2词语 1 / 4 Nameth 点按单词卡可以翻转 👆 定义 1 / 4 - Minorities are not only passive recipients of change, but they can actually have an influence (dissent is useful)- Polarizing in politics- outrage industry- opens the mind- juries and business ...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Ions inside of the cell、Ions outside of the cells、Amino acid NTS等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
williams7imani老師 Quizlet上的頂尖創作者· 2年前建立 分享 All key terms in psych 210 developmental Psych 學生們也看了以下學習集: chapter 11 key terms 15個詞語 aanthony41預覽 Developing Child Exam #3 35個詞語 Reilly_Burke預覽 PSY Exam 5 (11-13) 45個詞語 Sarah_Koch358預覽 AP Psych Ch....