Put your psx game on your Sony PSP. Plug your PSP into your PC or Mac computer via the USB cable, and nagivate to the /PSP/GAME directory on the MemoryStick Pro Duo card. Put your newly created PSX games directory with your new EBOOT.PBP file there along with a copy of your PlaySt...
虽然游戏的流程偏短,但借助PSP的联机功能,本作强化了对战元素,模式更为丰富,如果你凑不齐4名玩家,也可以用AI填补空缺。《皇牌空战X》是PSP早期的必玩之作,从系统和世界观两方面来看,本作也为系列做出了贡献。此后的掌机版《皇牌空战》均由Project Aces和Access Games联合制作。 ●《勇敢兵器》的杂志前瞻报道 ...
Display internal FPS - On Line-to-Quad Hack [beetle_psx_hw_line_render] (default/aggressive/disabled) Certain games employ a special technique for drawing horizontal lines, which involves stretching single-pixel-high triangles across the screen in a manner that causes the PSX hardware to raster...
While modern analog sticks have circular logical ranges, older analog sticks such as those on the DualShock have logical ranges closer to squares and can report larger values at the intercardinal directions than modern analog sticks can. Games that expect these larger values will have issues control...
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Install PS2 homebrew and games on the internal PSX HDD Install PS1 games on the internal PSX HDD HDD Partition Manager (Create partition, Remove partition (destructive), Change partition visibility) PS2 Game Partition Manager (Dump partition header, Change game title, flags, DMA) ...