CS305 Exam Part 2 C cs205_final Public Forked from CANIS-NAU/cs205_final This is a repository that is used as part of the NAU CS205 final. Shell CS305_Module5 Public cs205_module05 Public Forked from CANIS-NAU/cs205_module05 This is a GitHub Repo for Module 5. Hwk...
These cars are made in Korea. 这些汽车是韩国制造的。 Calculator can’t be used in the maths exam. 计算器不能用于数学考试。 Books and newspapers in the reading room mustn’t be taken away. 不能被拿走阅览室里的书和报纸。 2. 为了突出或强调动作的承受者;如果为了强调动作的执行者需要指出动作...