Learn more about Playstation VR2 PlayStation VR2 takes what the original PSVR did well and only improves upon it. Implementing the newest VR technology, PSVR2 stands tall and provides a unique gaming experience. Get ready to play like you never have before. ...
At CES 2023, Sony confirmed that there would be over30 launch titles for PlayStation VR2. Today, we learned specifics on what exactly 37 of those PlayStation VR2 launch window games are onPlayStation Blog. This announcement also contains 13 new titles that we didn’t know were coming to ...
Like a Dragon adventure — although this one's not your typical Yakuza title. In fact, it's probably the most out-there take on the franchise yet (PS3's Yakuza: Dead Souls aside). Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii is another 'shorter' game — just like last 2023's Gaiden......
Insider Gaming记者Tom Henderson爆料,《地铁 离乡》续作目前开发顺利,并已进入完全可游玩状态,游戏很有可能在今年晚些时候公布,目标2024年发售。2020年,4A Games正式对外确认,工作室正在针对PC/PS5/XS平台开发下一款《地铁》游戏。 除了贵,啥都好?PSVR2媒体评分汇总 PS VR2的硬件评测已经全面解禁,部分媒体评语如下:...
26 PC 游戏展:2023最受期待游戏【预告】 00:53 Homeworld 3 Interview | PC Gaming Show: Most Wanted 2023 03:48 Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl - Developer Message & Trailer | PC Gaming Show: Mo 05:37 Path of Exile 2 Interview | PC Gaming Show: Most Wanted 2023 06:11 Alienware | PC ...
•EA竞速大作《F1 23》将上线PCVR平台 •受裁员潮影响,Meta独立子公司Lode宣布裁员 •AWE2023将公布XR应对气候变化挑战赛获胜名单 •Taqtile开发了AR空间锚定QR码替代方案 01 索尼申请PSVR2无手柄交互专利 据外媒5月2日消息,根据索尼正在申请的一项专利,PSVR2上的VR游戏中的某些动作或将很快可以在没有...
Date First Available May 1, 2023 Manufacturer Sony Language English Warranty & Support Product Warranty: For warranty information about this product, please click here Feedback Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Customer reviews 4.1 out of 5 stars 4.1 out of 5 1,593 glo...
•EA竞速大作《F1 23》将上线PCVR平台 •受裁员潮影响,Meta独立子公司Lode宣布裁员 •AWE2023将公布XR应对气候变化挑战赛获胜名单 •Taqtile开发了AR空间锚定QR码替代方案 01 索尼申请PSVR2无手柄交互专利 据外媒5月2日消息,根据索尼正在申请的一项专利,PSVR2上的VR游戏中的某些动作或将很快可以在没有Sense...
designed for PSVR2 headset, using a gravity-balancing distributed design, so that the gravity of the VR headset is evenly distributed in different parts of the head, reducing the pressure on the face, preventing the VR headset from slipping during the game, greatly improving the gaming ...