3) 将成绩单、学位证与毕业证原件送到 Graduate school(Kern Building 一楼)以便工作人员备份。日常生活 住宿 在Penn State上有两种住宿方式:第一种是入住学校的学生宿舍(On-campus Housing),大一新生会被要求住校一年以适应学校环境和融入学校文化;第二种是在State College 承租私人物业或者房地产公司专门开发的学生...
29Visual And Performing Arts. Data collected from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) andPeterson’s Data— typically from the most recently available cohort year. In the absence of this data, information was collected directly from the school and is accurate as of the date...
Graduate programs are also offered at the Erie campus, the Harrisburg campus, the School of Graduate and Professional Studies campus, and the College of Medicine. A few graduate programs, primarily in education, are also available through the online world campus. The law school is a partnership ...