3) 将成绩单、学位证与毕业证原件送到 Graduate school(Kern Building 一楼)以便工作人员备份。日常生活 住宿 在Penn State上有两种住宿方式:第一种是入住学校的学生宿舍(On-campus Housing),大一新生会被要求住校一年以适应学校环境和融入学校文化;第二种是在State College 承租私人物业或者房地产公司专门开发的学生...
教育学研究生院(Graduate School of Education)公共卫生学院(School of Public Health)社会工作学院(School of Social Work)荣誉学院(University Honors College)本科生专业 会计 广告管理 非洲研究 人类学 应用语言学 阿拉伯语 建筑项目管理 建筑学 艺术 艺术历史 生物学 生物医学 黑人研究 商业管理 化学 土木...
基本上都是罗切 bu wics这种学校,3.9几的gpa录进去的,我接过uva的学生,问过这方便,因为uva转学...
. The Smeal Ph.D. Student Exchange includes a number of academic and advising links from the Graduate School and Penn State, and also includes the following:. Information on awards offered by internal and external agencies to Penn State that are available to incoming and current graduate ...
Data System (IPEDS) andPeterson’s Data— typically from the most recently available cohort year. In the absence of this data, information was collected directly from the school and is accurate as of the date of collection. Contact the school directly for the most current and complete ...
Admissions An impressive eighty percent of undergraduates ranked in the top quarter of their high school class. For first year admissions, applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent. The average entrant has a high schoolGPAof 3.51 to 3.90, aSATscore of 1180 to 1340, and anACTsco...
世界果然是个巨大的草台班子,全靠演技在撑。 学术圈的各种骚操作,包括但不限于:注水奖项、论文造假、找人代发论文等。 普通人如此,大牛也未能幸免。除了之前闹得沸沸扬扬的UMich校长因性行为不端被开除、斯坦福校长学术造假辞职等等,学术圈还有各种匪夷所思的离谱事件。
2 This school is No. 2 for graduating CEOs—and it’s not Harvard, MIT or Wharton.CNBC [引用日期2021-02-13] 3 Graduate Admissions.宾夕法尼亚州立大学官网 [引用日期2024-05-11] 4 Student Support.Undergraduate Admissions [引用日期2024-05-11] 5 Admission Requirements for International Students....