Demir, Z.Taylor & Francis GroupInternational Journal of Polymeric Materials & Polymeric BiomaterialsUnal, H.; Mimaroglu, A.; Demir, Z. Tribological performance of POM, PTFE and PSU composites used in electrical engineering applications. Int. J. Polym. Mater. 2010, 59, 808-817. [CrossRef]...
I've used a few of those dirt cheap PD receiver boards for DIY projects (so handy! And so cheap!), but those don't work for data transfer, just negotiate power delivery, so you'd need a much more advanced chip than that. Also, where would the e...
SeaSonic is both the designer and manufacturer of their units, negating the need for us to identify an underlying OEM with their products. At first glance, it allows us to realize that, unlike many other manufacturers, SeaSonic’s engineers took major steps in redesigning the platform that th...
The development of our series of Commodore, Amiga, Sinclair, Atari, Coleco, and TI power supplies has been driven by a sense of sentiment for retro-computing, combined with accuracy and dedication in creating electrical equipment to be proud of. It goes without saying, that t...
The 2 pins have a spacing of 2.0mm. The width of the male plug is 4mm. I thought it might be a HY2.0mm 2-Pin Connector (looks very similar), but the male plug for this is 5mm in width and hence doesn't fit into the female socket. ...
I've been trying to get the first stage of my power supply working for some time so that I can move on to the more interesting Voltage regulation circuitry for my variable bench power supply. After making an initial mistake in the circuit, I had new boards made af...
When I first turned power on, the laser worked fine and I was able to burn some paper for about 60 seconds before turning it off. Then when I tried to turn it on later, it no longer worked. (I can no longer return the laser since I had it home too long before getting around ...