服务器 PSU 的能效通常用能源效率等级(Efficiency Rating)来衡量,其中最常见的标准是80 PLUS 认证。80 PLUS 认证分为不同级别(如Bronze、Silver、Gold、Platinum等),级别越高代表 PSU 的能效越高。较高的能效意味着 PSU 能够减少电能损耗,从而降低服务器的能耗和运行成本。选择符合或超过业界标准的高效 PSU 有助于...
效率标准:PSU的效率越高,意味着在转换电能时损失的能量越少。常见的效率标准包括80 PLUS Bronze、Silver、Gold、Platinum和Titanium等。 冗余设计:对于需要高可靠性的服务器,应选择具有冗余设计的PSU,以提高系统的容错能力。 保护功能:确保PSU具备完善的保护功能,包括过压、过载、短路和过热等保护机制。 兼容性:PSU的...
高效的PSU能够减少电能损耗,并提供更稳定的电力供应。常见的PSU效率等级包括80 PLUS标准(包括80 PLUS Bronze、Silver、Gold、Platinum和Titanium)等。 冗余设计:为了提高服务器的可靠性和可用性,许多服务器采用了冗余PSU设计。即使其中一个PSU出现故障,备用的PSU能够接管供电,保障服务器的正常运行。冗余设计通常采用双路...
FSP VITA GM / GD /BD 系列 主流級方面,FSP 會推出 VITA GM / GD / BD 系列搶攻入門至中階 PC 用家市場,雖然是主流級但外觀設計卻比 ADVAN 還好看,外殼加入斜角裝飾及凹槽,頂端設有沖壓加工的幾何條狀進氣口,型號中 G 代表 Gold 金牌、B 代表 Bronze 銅牌,然後 M 代表 Modular 模組化、D 代表 Direct...
Gold 850, 1000, 1200 Watts Super Flower Platinum King Platinum 450, 550 Watts Riotoro Onyx Bronze 650, 750 Watts Zalman EBT Gold 650, 750, 850, 1000, 1200 Watts Enermax Revolution SFX Gold 650 Watts Vivo 24K Gold 650 Watts Fractal Design Integra M Series ...
使用美商海盗船模块化电源,减少杂乱的线缆,改善气流散热。减少线缆意味着更整洁的系统,使用美商海盗船模块化电源,您只需使用所需线缆。 持续功率(W) Cybenetics Efficiency Gold (15) Platinum (11) EPS连接器 EPS连接器 1 (3) 2 (31) 3 (4) 模块化 ...
80 Plus Gold 80 Plus Platinum 80 Plus Titanium The general rule of thumb here is that the more efficient the PSU, the better. In a budget PC that won’t consume much power or generate a lot of heat, you can still get away with a cheap Bronze PSU. However, if you’re building a ...
Gold (20) Platinum (10) Bronze (9) 80 PLUS Gold Certified (3) White (3) Certified (2) Titanium (2) 持續電力 W 持續電力 W 750 Watts (11) 1000 Watts (10) 850 Watts (10) 650 Watts (7) 550 Watts (4) 1200 Watts (2) 1600 Watts (2) Cybenetics Efficiency Cybenetics Efficiency ...
80 Plus Bronze --- 82% 85% 82% 80 Plus Silver --- 85% 88% 85% 80 Plus Gold --- 87% 90% 87% 80 Plus Platinum --- 90% 92% 89% 80 Plus Titanium 90% 92% 94% 90% Let's look at an example with an Intel Core i5-14600K processor and Nvidia...
Most mid-range to high-range systems today will be rocking an 80 Plus Gold-rated power supply, as they are incredibly reliable and relatively low cost. These PSUs might even be more popular than Bronze-rated ones! So, consider going for a Gold-rated PSU to keep your system running smooth...