8:30 AM (8:30)PDT ↗Show Pacific Daylight Time to China Time Conversion Chart Instead Pacific Standard Time and China Time Calculator China Time UTC/GMT Pacific Daylight Time UTC/GMT »Click here for China Time to Local Time Conversion. ...
8:00 AM (8:00)PDT 11:30 PM (23:30)Beijing Time = 8:30 AM (8:30)PDT ↗Show Pacific Daylight Time to Beijing, China Time Conversion Chart Instead Pacific Standard Time and Beijing Time Calculator »Click here for Beijing Time to Local Time Conversion. ...
PST stands forPacific Standard Time. GMT is known asGreenwich Mean Time. GMT is 7 hours ahead of PST. So, when it isit will be Other conversions:PST to Manila Time,PST to Jerusalem Time,PST to Cairo Time,PST to Riyadh Time,PST to Islamabad Time ...
10:00 PM (22:00)GMT = 2:00 PM (14:00)PST 10:30 PM (22:30)GMT = 2:30 PM (14:30)PST 11:00 PM (23:00)GMT = 3:00 PM (15:00)PST 11:30 PM (23:30)GMT = 3:30 PM (15:30)PST ↗Show Pacific Standard Time to Greenwich Mean Time Conversion Chart Instead ...
UTC/GMT is 08:41 on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Difference from Unknown, China Not your location? 16 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time Pacific Standard time is eight hours behind the Coordinated Universal Time standard, written as an offset of UTC - 8. That means to find the standard...
PST Abbreviation:Several time zones share PST abbreviation and it could refer to these time zones Pacific Standard Time - UTC -8 Pitcairn Standard Time - UTC -8 Peru Standard Time - UTC -5 Time zones with the GMT -8 offset: AKDT - Alaska Daylight Time ...
If you need to convert between these two zones on the fly, here is an example to follow: If it is 10:20 AM in PST, then it is 1:20 PM in EST. You need only add three hours to any given time to convert from one to the other. ...
PST Abbreviation: Several time zones share PST abbreviation and it could refer to these time zones Pacific Standard Time - UTC -8 Pitcairn Standard Time - UTC -8 Peru Standard Time - UTC -5 Time zones with the GMT -8 offset: AKDT - Alaska Daylight Time PST - Pacific Standard Time PT...
8:00 PM (20:00) China Time (Local): 12:00 PM (12:00) Next Day GMT ( UTC ): 4:00 AM (4:00) Next Day 8:00 PM Local Time toPacific Standard Time China Time (Local): 8:00 PM (20:00) Pacific Standard Time: 4:00 AM (4:00) ...
and done! GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time. PST is known as Pacific Standard Time. PST is 8 hours behind GMT. So, when it is it will be Other conversions: GMT to Amsterdam Time, GMT to Stockholm Time, GMT to Beijing Time, GMT to Honolulu Time, GMT to Doha Time...