SKU: PST-5258 Category: Riflescope This updated favorite hands an unfair advantage to shooters who seek to keep the upper hand in every situation from close quarters to long-range shots. The illumination dial is cleanly integrated into the side focus adjustment knob for easy access and streamli...
Polymer, 2006, 47: 5253~5258 [7] Bernard Martel, Yahya Leckchiri, Alain Pollet, et al. Cyclodextrin-Poly(vinylamine) systems-Ⅰ.Synthesis, characterization and conformational properties[J]. European Polymer Journal, 1995, 31(11): 1083~1088 [8] Xin Hao, Li Fuyou, Huang Yanyi, et al. ...
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5258 贾玲都瘦了100斤,过年吃了那么多谁还坐得住??#贾玲说一切都来得及 #健身打卡 #运动健身 #普拉提 贾玲都瘦了100斤,过年吃了那么多谁还坐得住??#贾玲说一切都来得及 #健身打卡 #运动健身 #普拉提 6511 杭州citywalk新地标!有点东西……#杭州中心 #杭州吃喝玩乐 #周末去哪玩 #购物中心 #商场 杭州citywal...
排针, 额定横截面: 0.5 mm2, 颜色: 黑色, 额定电流: 8 A (取决于所使用的插头), 额定电压(III/2): 250 V, 触点表面: Sn, 触点类型: 针式插头, 电位数: 2, 行数: 1, 位数: 2, 连接量: 2, 产品系列: PST 1,0/..-V, 针距: 3.5 mm, 安装: 通孔回流焊/波峰焊, 针脚排列: 直线排列, ...