The maximum absorption peak of AgNPs has moved to a higher wavelength with an increase in AgNPs size. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the corresponding peaks determines the dispersity of the nanoparticles, where a large FWHM is associated with peak broadening and hence, polydispersity....
The spinning solution prepared by dissolving a required amount of PEDOT:PSS pellets to the PEG-SWNTs stock dispersion (Table S1). Wet-spinning of fibers containing PEDOT:PSS/PEG-SWNTs dispersions was performed using a non-solvent coagulation strategy to form fibers. Using PEG-SWNTs that are ...
Full size image The FTIR spectra collected from the electrodes after the 50th cycle (charged state) also confirm the protective effect of the PEDOT:PSS, as shown in Fig. 6a,b. The 400−500, 600−700, 1350−1500 and 1500−1700 cm–1 (marked with ♦) may be associated with ...
Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your institution Introduction Advances have been obtained for perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with remarkably increased power conversion efficiency (PCE) over 20% [1], [2], [3]...
Full size image The measurement of current transients also points towards the minimum electric flux required for cellular modulation. Thinner PEDOT:PSS wires (1.5 μm diameter, 8.5 μm length; 1 V, 1 Hz) did not induce action potentials in the cardiomyocytes. Using a conductivity of 1.5...
The maximum allowed current for a single transducer, which corresponds to the full amplitude mode, was set at 0.3 A. Additionally, a half amplitude mode was explored, using a current of 0.15 A, to assess its impact on the fabrication results of PEDOT:PSS nanofilms. In addition, PEDOT:PSS ...
In 1989, IPPE began the R&D of the HSR for the BN-600 reactor. Full-size prototypic test samples of HSR for water testing were designed and manufactured. Hydraulic tests were conducted on the HSR samples of varying design dimensions, ultimately leading to the recommendation of an optimized desi...