执行alter database add logfile member ‘xxx’ to group ‘x’给相关组增加一个成员,再执行alter database drop logfile member ‘bad_file’将损坏的日志文件删除,由于数据库的结构发生变动需要备份控制文件,之后将数据库改回archivelog模式,做一个冷备份。
google了一下,看到下面这个blog,写了一些底层的内存分配体系,实际和共享内存之类,还说到长连接和work mem的设置有可能导致内存不足的问题,但是不太适用我们的情况。 PostgreSQL Out Of Memory 下面这个讲了如何精准地查看一个进程在使用的内存 How much RAM is PostgreSQL using? 4. 解决问题 本来还想着是不是要...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于psql 导入sql out of memory的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及psql 导入sql out of memory问答内容。更多psql 导入sql out of memory相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
void*pg_malloc(size_tsize){void*tmp;/* Avoid unportable behavior of malloc(0) */if(size ==0) size =1; tmp =malloc(size);if(!tmp) {psql_error("out of memory\n");exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }returntmp; } 开发者ID:AllenDou,项目名称:postgresql,代码行数:16,代码来源:common.c 示例6: se...
Solaris、BSD和Mac OS X。PostgreSQL遵循PostgreSQL许可,是一个开源软件。PostgreSQL由PostgreSQL全球开发组开发,由极少数的公司志愿组成并进行监督管理,这些公司有红帽、EnterpriseDB等。 PostgreSQL的知名度越来越大,这是理所当然的:它是如此可靠、高效。与传统企业级关系型数据库相比,PostgreSQL完全基于社区驱动 ...
The error code 0xC000012D represents the issue of running out of virtual memory. Expand thevirtual\ memory paging file to make it larger. Source here. Backup & restore: system databases, *To learn the current recovery model of the model, see View or Change the Recovery Model of a Databas...
#if (_MSC_VER < 1400) /* in case of VC7 or under */ #include <malloc.h> #endif /* _MSC_VER */ #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include <crtdbg.h> #endif /* _MEMORY_DEBUG_ */ #else /* _DEBUG */ #include <stdlib.h> ...
InstanceMemorySizeInGBs *int `mandatory:"true" json:"instanceMemorySizeInGBs"` // Version of the Postgresql DB DbVersion *string `mandatory:"true" json:"dbVersion"` ConfigurationDetails *ConfigurationDetails `mandatory:"true" json:"configurationDetails"` // Config description Description *string `...
4. Conversion Conversion is highly-optimized to run as fast as possible, yet provides top-notch reliability. Huge tables are converted in small chunks at a time, preserving memory and ensuring that your computer stays fast and responsive. ...
This environment variable is used to set the initial and maximal Java heap size, the size of the allocated class metadata space that will trigger a garbage collection the first time it is exceeded and the maximum amount of native memory that can be allocated for class metadata (optional, defau...