[commands] show help on backslash commands \? options show help on psql command-line options \? variables show help on special variables \h [NAME] help on syntax of SQL commands, * for all commands Query Buffer \e [FILE] [LINE] edit the query buffer (or file) with external editor \e...
sql...//mysql -u账号 -p密码 -D数据库名 < sql文件绝对路径 mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface...//mysql控制台下执行source E:\test.sql Database changed ERROR: No query specified +---+---+--...// \. e:\test.sql Database changed ERROR: No qu...
[commands] show help on backslash commands ? options show help on psql command-line options ? variables show help on special variables \h [NAME] help on syntax of SQL commands, * for all commands Query Buffer \e [FILE] [LINE] edit the query buffer (or file) with external editor \ef ...
ii. On Windows: On Windows, you can find psql in the Program Files, and you should be able to launch it in a command prompt simply by clicking on it. iii. On Mac: On a Mac you should be able to locate psql under the Applications > PostgreSQL (version number) > SQL Shell (psql)...
PSQL_EDITOR_LINENUMBER_ARG='+' PSQL_EDITOR_LINENUMBER_ARG='--line ' 在Unix 系统上默认是+(对应于默认编辑器vi,且对很多其他常见编辑器可用)。在 Windows 系统上没有默认值。 PSQL_HISTORY 命令历史文件的替代位置。波浪线(~)扩展会被执行。 PSQLRC 用户的.psqlrc文件的替代位置。波浪线(~)扩展会被执...
提示:psql搜索环境变量PSQL_EDITOR,EDITOR和VISUAL(以此顺序)查找要用到哪个编辑器。如果上面的都没有设置,那么在 Unix 系统上使用vi,在 Windows 系统上用notepad.exe。 \echotext[ ... ] 向标准输出打印参数,用一个空格分隔并且最后跟着一个新行。 这个特性在显示脚本的输出时会有用。例如: ...
元命令\e [FILE] [LINE]可以用于编辑当前查询缓冲区或者文件中的内容。例如: hrdb=> \e Linux 默认使用 vim 作为外部编辑器,Windows 默认使用 Notepad 作为外部编辑器。 在这里插入图片描述 编辑完成后所有的内容都会复制到查询缓冲区,如果命令中包含 ; 或者 \g,psql 会自动执行该命令。
psqlis a command-line utility coming by default with any PostgreSQL installation that allows you to connect to PostgreSQL and execute various commands to create and manage Postgres databases. After installing PostgreSQL, you can access this database terminal by searching for it in the Windows search...
您可能会发现这很有用:Windows PSQL command line: is there a way to allow for passwordless login?D Dirk Schumacher 8年后... 在我的 Mac 上,我必须在文件 ~/.pgpass 中添加一行,例如: <IP>:<PORT>:<dbname>:<user>:<password> 另请参阅: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq...
On Windows, launch the command prompt and enter the command: setx/M path"%PATH%;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin" In our case, the path to the PostgreSQL bin directory is "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin" If your installation is in a custom location, feel free to update it as ...