Spice's iterative approach for arriving at answers to nonlinear problems doesn't always converge on a solution. But you can use the guidelines given here to converge 90 to 95% of the time.Spice's answers to nonlinear problems, such as those in the Spice dc and transient analyses, come ...
关于pspice仿真..仿真错误如下: These voltages failed to converge: V(N16555116) = -25.83uV \ -6.77
Spice reducesthetimestepandtriesagaintodeterminethenodevoltages.But, ifthetimestepreducesbeyondacertainfractionofthetotalanalysis time,thetransientanalysisissuesanerrormessage("Timesteptoo small"),andtheanalysishalts. Solutionstothedcanalysismayfailtoconvergebecauseofincorrect initialvoltageguesses,model...
These devices failed to converge:X_D2.D_REV X_D3.D_REV X_D4.D_REV X_U14A.de X_U15....
ERROR -- Convergence problem in transient analysis at Time = 9.994E-03 Time step = 2.980E-15, minimum allowable step size = 20.00E-15 These supply currents failed to converge: I(X_U2.egnd) = -98.13nA \ -97.97nA I(X_U2.vc) = -6.341nA \ 4.268nA ...
“Gmin/Source Stepping Failed”. SPICE will then terminate the run because both the AC and transient analyses require an initial stable operating point in order to proceed. During the transient analysis, this iterative process is repeated for each individual time step. If the node voltages do ...
thetransientanalysiswill issuetheerrormessage,“Timesteptoosmall,”andthe analysiswillbehalted. Problemscomeinallshapes,sizes,anddisguises,butconver- genceproblemsareusuallyrelatedtooneofthefollowing: •CircuitTopology •DeviceModeling •SimulatorSetup TheDCanalysismayfailtoconvergebecauseofincorrect initial...
Setting Rshunt to a value of 100K may cause convergence problems. SPICE does not always converge when relaxed tolerances are used. One of the most common problems is the incorrect use of the .Options parameters. For example, setting the tolerance option, Reltol, to a value which is greater ...
3、 erationDC and bias best giessJr ansi ent t ime point i ttrtli anDftult Rgimtl ttmpertlurt-witfVBTOL)unps(ABSTOL)coLombs (CHGTOL) 1/ohm(GMIM)(ITL1 ttTI2STU (TND)CRELTOL)Use GIIEN stepping tu lKprove converge(STEFGMIOUse treordlering to reduce matri(FKEOEBEE)1QSFET.dyutcad Qp...