PSP Custom Firmware Guide on 6.61 on any PSP model in 2024. ARK-4 with cIPL allows emulators, apps, & plugins to be used to enhance the PSP
Custom firmware 5.03GEN-B for HEN (PSP-3000)正式发布 安装使用说明:注意:当你已经安装插件了,记得把插件设置为未启用模式(把配置文件中的1全改0或者干脆重命名插件文件夹,如果没有请忽略)。FAQS:1。我已经安装了CFWE 3.XX,该怎么用》》》关机,删除PSP/GAME下的CFWenable文件夹。再按照下面的操作即可。2。
1. 将压缩包里的 UPDATE 目录拷贝到/PSP/GAME/UPDATE下,并且把官方3.71固件重命名为"371.PBP"(...
终于有一个真正的自定义固个把出炉了,他支持最新的3.51官方固件的破解,它就是PSP自定义固件Custom Firmware v3.51 M33,介绍如下:% a% l( t0 F* D# ?; a - 加入了3.51官方固件的功能:PS1支持,高视频分辨率,MP3特效,PS3联接等! y6 L( _ N0 N) K - 运迁官方的UMDS - 直接运行自制软件模拟器/DEMO...
你可以在PSP/SYSTEM 文件夹里用记事本打开 config.txt文件,之后你就可以根据你的经验来修改它了。这个文件解释得非常详细,你可以明白你该怎么做。文件拷贝完之后,找到"Custom Firmware - The proof of concept",运行它,然后文件就会被烧入到你的PSP里,完工。
Dark_Alex最新出品的PSP自制系统,作者给这个系统命名为.71 Custom Firmware,简单的说它的作用在于让你同时拥有1.5和2.71的能力(在以前要通过模拟固件来实现,相对比较麻烦)。写在试用前的话:这是一款刷机程序,会刷写你PSP里的flash0。此程序为免费的,作者Dark_Alex及我们TGbus.com网站对试用该程序所造成的...
Update May 13, 2024 README GPL-3.0 license X-Generation Aftermarket Firmware for Playstation Portable™ PRO Firmware is a Aftermarket Firmware for Playstation Portable™. It's licensed under the GPLv3, and thus is under full control of the community, made by users for the users...
Admittedly, I have custom firmware installed, so this won’t be on my PSP for quite some time. I just love taking in-game screenshots! C-h-a-o-s July 14, 2008 at 8:07 AM GMT+8 Nice, might just update this time. How about screen shot capabilities?!? That’s my #1 request ...
New, updated, improved and modernCustom Firmwarefor thePSPandPS Vita'sePSP. Simple to use and full of unique features,ARK CFWaims at keeping thePSPexperience fresh. Being a successor toPROandME,ARKis now the most feature-completeCFWfor thePSP, having all features from classicCFWas well as ...
1 2 下一页 尾页 15回复贴,共2页 ,跳到 页确定 <返回psp3000吧Xenogears关于CustomFirmware Enabler for 3000的解释 只看楼主收藏回复 米兰R80√ 拜见瑟爷 6 Eso es mentira, completamente.Partiendo de que no se sabe si se hara una versión para PSP 3000, hasta la parte en que se supone que ...