Sony PSP 3000 Wi-Fi Antenna PSP 3000 PlayStation Handheld Console Sony Game Console Game Console Parts Store Sony PSP 3000 Wi-Fi Antenna Sale price $7.99 Condition: Used This item is currently Out of Stock. Notify me when it is back in stock! Enter your email address below, and we will...
Price and availability:The PSP Go will be available in North America on October 1 for $249. (The portable console will go on sale in Europe the same day for 249 euros, and availability in Japan will follow a month later.) The PSP 3000, currently $169, will stay on the market concurr...
If you are intrigued, pleasecontact me to discuss the details further. Sales: Cristina Zhang WEB: EAST LONGFAQ: 1. Where should the quartz stone be used? Quartz stone is ideal for indoor use, such a...