The PSP is extremely easy to hack/mod/jailbreak by downloading 2 files to your PC and transferring them to the PSP, and the whole thing is done in like 10 minutes if you do it for the first time; this includes the smaller PSP Go, which is probably one...
Hello I have a problem installing Adrenaline on my Ps vita model 1001, the vpk installs and im able to get past the first Adrenaline firmware download when I first run the app then when it closes on its own and I start the app again it says “Press X to install the PSP 6.61 firmwar...
1001 Spikes (C) [1.2].cia101.86MB 日志.txt110B 【003】2048[3DS汉化吧汉化组]3.4MB 2048--chs1.cia3.4MB 【004】暗杀教室[IO汉化组]139.83MB Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Koro-sensei Daihouimou!!.cia139.83MB 【005】邦妮早午餐 (eShop)(官中)97.56MB bangni.cia97.56MB 【006】宝藏守护者 法老的秘宝(守护你...
PSP GO –PSP-N1001 CFW – 6.35 PRO-B5 I have gone into the Recovery Menu, and under the Advanced option, I turned NoDRM Engine “Disabled” I have Plugins cwcheat.prx [GAME] Disabled cwcheat.prx [POPS] Disabled I made three copies of the DLC Package All renamed as the three different...
So the problem is that, after i played and en joyed my hack games:)I just turned it off, Then when I turned it on, suddenly all of the games that I install just get lost! So I check my memory stick in the computer then i was surprised that the iso file is still there! but ...
Some kind of hack for GE NOP handler. 0 = (Default) 1 = 2 = 3 = Probably game specific, as content (lower 24 bits) of NOP command is analyzed and compared to predefined values. Chances that games send GE NOP with example value of 0xA6CEA0 value are rather slim. VRAM_MODE = ...
可以进我做的公众号看一下 汉化的psp游戏五百多,可以直接对应编号获取学习资源 分享183 psp吧 jiayushen1 PSP日版游戏合集 1001~2000公司的100M专线闲着也是闲着~于是这两天就用来上传PSP游戏了。 0001~1000 2000~3000收集+下载+上传中,可能要等 分享221 psp吧 冰眼辉耀 ...系统的话。。不会弄就不要刷了。。当心变砖头就没用了。。游戏就下到ISO文件夹就可以了。。游戏类型是ISO和CSO的。。你看看你PP的下面的那个条码。。PSP1000是日版 PSP1001是美版 PSP1002是澳洲版 PSP1003是英国 PSP1004是欧洲 PSP1005是韩国 PSP1006是香港 PSP1007是台湾版 进...
// +3 分享21赞 hack游戏吧 哎呀y001🌴 【PSP】PSP用GB模拟器+GB全集打包下载 +2 分享531 ppsspp吧 我是残破的风筝 [PSP] [汉化游戏] 皇牌空战X诡影苍穹 [完全汉化版](PC汉化组)中文名称皇牌空战X诡影苍穹 发行时间 2006年7月13日 === 吧友测试可以运行 这是看电影全教程 2.不错,很逼真,可以用AV连接电视看 3.3000新出,有键盘,可玩游戏有限,可玩性不强(过几年就好了),外观和2000基本一样 4.有几部份:1.主机(含充电器 电板好像要...