银屑病关节炎(psoriatic arthritis,PsA)是一种与银屑病相关的炎性关节病,有银屑病皮疹并伴有关节和周围软组织疼痛、肿胀、压痛、僵硬和运动障碍。部分患者可有骶髂关节炎和(或)脊柱炎,病程迁延,易复发。晚期可有关节强直。PsA除了关节损害、关节功能障碍,影响日常生活、工作外,最新的研究发现其心血管疾病风险明显增加...
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects more than 30% of people with psoriasis. People generally receive a psoriasis diagnosis before experiencing PsA symptoms. Some people may have flares of joint pain, inflammation, or swollen hands and feet; skin-related sympto...
网络银屑病关节炎;银屑病性关节炎 网络释义
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an inflammatory arthritis associated with psoriasis (1). Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition that presents with a red scaly rash often on the extensor surfaces but may also affect the scalp and flexural areas as well as palms and soles (2). It commonly aff...
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an infl ammatory disease with potential involvement of both peripheral and axial skeleton which has variable clinical course and several degrees of severity. Ultrasound (US) is a rapidly evolving technique that helps to actually determine the anatomical structure involved ...
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory disease. It causes inflammation, swelling, and pain in the joints, as well as swollen fingers and toes, splitting fingernails and toenails that often peel away from the nail bed, eye pain and redness, and pain in the back of the heel. Ty...
网络银屑病关节炎;银屑病性关节炎 网络释义
and pelvis. It affects only people with PsA, not those with other types of arthritis such asrheumatoid arthritisor osteoarthritis. Over time, enthesitis can make tissues in the affected area ropey (your doctor will call this fibrosis) or solid (the doctor might refer to this as ossification or...
PsA tends to affect the joints at the tips of the fingers. RA tends to affect the joints at the base of the fingers where they connect to the hands. Psoriatic Arthritis Versus Osteoarthritis Joint pain and stiffness, especially in the morning or after resting, can be a symptom of either ...
Psoriatic arthritis(PsA) is a progressive seronegative oligoarticular arthritis that can cause permanent damage to the joints. Theprevalenceof PsA varies fromcountry to country. Although nearlyone thirdof patients have a previous diagnosis of psoriasis before the onset of PsA,approximately 10%present ...