IL-27 disturbs lipid metabolism and restrains mitochondrial activity to inhibit γδ T17 cell-mediated skin inflammation Mingyue Zhang Dehai Li Qian Wang ResearchOpen Access09 Jul 2024Cell Death & Disease Volume: 15, P: 491 NOS2-derived low levels of NO drive psoriasis pathogenesis ...
is a common and chronic disease. A person with psoriasis generally has white patches of raised red skin with thick silvery scales. Psoriasis is not a contagious disease, rather an improper immune system plays a key role in developing psoriasis. It may spread through hereditary or other environmen...
I can truly say that I exhausted all routes of treatment, and have tried every cream, pill and potion. I know that my doctor was sick and tired of seeing me; he told me there was nothing more he could do for me and that I’d have to get used to my skin itching so bad, all ...
Psoriasis is a prevalent, inflammatory skin disease without cure. Further research is required to unravel dysregulated processes and develop new therapeutic interventions. The lack of suitable in vivo and in vitro preclinical models is an impediment in t
Skin disease - Psoriasis, Symptoms, Treatment: Although the mechanisms of inheritance are not clear, psoriasis, like atopic dermatitis, has been thought to be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait that pursues a chronically remitting and relapsing cou
it promotes inflammation and causesskin cellsto multiply fast.Scientists have found more than 80 genes that are different in people with psoriasis. They think it takes more than one gene to cause the disease, and they're looking for the main ones. About 10 in every 100 people have genes th...
Nail Diseases in Skin of Color: A Research Gap By Maddi Hebebrand, MC, Associate Editor February 20th 2025 This study highlights the urgent need for improved awareness, diagnosis, and treatment of inflammatory nail diseases in patients with skin of color. 5-Year Study Backs Deucravacitinib’s...
Bilayered skin equivalent mimicking psoriasis as predictive tool for preclinical treatment studiesPsoriasis is a prevalent, inflammatory skin disease without cure. Further research is required to unravel dysregulated processes and develop new therapeutic interventions. The lack of suitable in vivo and in ...
it promotes inflammation and causesskin cellsto multiply fast.Scientists have found more than 80 genes that are different in people with psoriasis. They think it takes more than one gene to cause the disease, and they're looking for the main ones. About 10 in every 100 people have genes th...
The mice that were given the NFKBIZ siRNA treatment had reduced epidermal thickening, skin discoloration, and keratin overgrowth compared to the other experimental groups, as well as less redness and scaling. They also displayed a significant reduction in the expression of NFKBIZ and other psoriasis-...