This section presents the simulation of the proposed PV system employing the novel adaptive approach for the PSO method, which functions as an MPPT system. The simulation integrated MATLAB code, incorporating the PSO algorithm, with Simulink, which contained the PV system and the DC-DC converter....
Our proposal integrates the PSO algorithm with substantial improvements in implementation, including an adaptive penalty function, adaptive restart strategies, and parameter self-adaptation. Furthermore, the research will focus on a comparative evaluation with traditional MATLAB PSO, aiming to improve ...
Our proposal integrates the PSO algorithm with substantial improvements in implementation, including an adaptive penalty function, adaptive restart strategies, and parameter self-adaptation. Furthermore, the research will focus on a comparative evaluation with traditional MATLAB PSO, aiming to improve ...
In this paper, a novel de-loaded power control algorithm without additional hardware components is proposed to improve the terminal voltage and to increase the reactive power output of a DFIG subject to grid faults. When a low voltage is detected at the DFIG stator, the real power command 𝑃...
It useful to note that the simulations have been carried out with Matlab (R2016b, MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA). In each run, the PSO algorithm has been initialized randomly, the inertia weight has been set to 𝑤=0.73w=0.73, the cognitive coefficients have been set to 𝑐1=𝑐2=1...