您的登录ID是您用于登录PSN的电子邮件地址。 变更在线状态 变更隐私设定 PSN安全设定 遇到在线ID问题? 某些游戏、应用程序或服务可能需要一段时间来更新为您的新在线ID。在某些情况下,可能需要长达一周的时间才能完成变更注册。 如果您在变更在线ID后遇到任何问题,请查看下方的指南以获取故障排除步骤。
Learn how to change your online ID on PlayStation™Network (PSN), and what to do if you experience issues with an online ID change.
如何排查变更在线ID后遇到的问题 变更在线ID有时会导致问题,例如丢失游戏进度、功能和内容。 如果您在变更在线ID后遇到问题,请尽快使用此页面底部的链接来联系PlayStation支持服务,以获取改回为原始在线ID的帮助。 改回为原始的在线ID无需付费,而且可以解决大多数问题。
When you change your online ID, you will have the option to display your previous ID with your new ID, so your friends can recognize you. Once you decide to display your old ID or not, you won’t be able to adjust this after completing the online ID change process. This feature ...
We’re happy to announce that we will soon begin testing the long-awaited feature that will allow users to change their PlayStation Network Online ID from their PlayStation 4 system. The PSN Online ID Change feature beta will be a part of the PlayStation Preview Program, and will be...
1. Where and how can I change my online ID? You can either change your online ID on your PS4 or web browser. PlayStation 4: Step 1: From your PS4 go to [Settings]. Step 2: Select [Account Management] > [Account Information] > [Profile] > [Online ID]. ...
The PSN Online ID Change It’s happening. After 12 years of wait, PlayStation Network (PSN) Users will finally be given the chance to change their online IDs. The feature will be free the first time you use it, because God knows how many people have made grave mistakes. You can even...
PSN Online ID Change Feature Entering PlayStation Preview Program Soon 欧服: PSN Online ID Change feature enters PlayStation Preview Program soon wfhtony1996969692018-10-10 20:45 这边想改,但是又不知道改成什么 想起来之前玩网游的时候就是,下载好游戏在起ID的地方犹豫半小时之后,然后想了想,果然还是删...
2024-03-11 09:46 日本回复 certain_li @yoga0196 https://www.playstation.com/zh-hans-hk/support/account/games-tested-online-id-change/ 本条答案已被采纳 whl414 我都改了整整一年了也没问题,你看我回复你的这个ID显示whl414,你点我主页进去看左上角又会变成shayou520,这个左上角和回复的ID不一...
如您曾经更改过在线ID,您将需要完成购买手续,以支付更改在线ID的手续费。 官方FAQ:https://asia.playstation.com/chs-hk/psn/account/onlineid/change/ 支持改名的游戏列表:https://asia.playstation.com/chs-hk/psn/account/onlineid/games/