VendorAccountFirst included in: Budgeting/BudgetReservationAgreementLineEntity_PSN (this entity)Properties展开表 NameValue dataFormat string isNullable trueTraitsList of traits for the VendorAccount attribute are listed below. is.dataFormat.character is.dataFormat.big is.dataForma...
How to create a user account by mirroring another account in PowerShell (Trying to learn to use Powshell for some daily AD tasks intead of the GUI) How to create a user profile in remote machines remotely? How to create an empty .csv file that contains only my header row? How to Crea...
51gamecard-我要点卡网-海外点卡-海外充值-苹果ID账户充值-海外Q币 关键词(Keywords) 0个字符 (一般不超过100字符) 简介(Description) 274个字符 (一般不超过200字符) 51gamecard海外充值点卡平台:专为海外华人提供供海外游戏点卡充值,海外快手充值,海外抖音充值,国际服充值,海外点卡手游充值,苹果App Store充值,微...
• 每個模型必須具有一個 Account 維度與一個 Time 維度 • Currency,Entity,Scenario 以及 Year 的維度數目可以為零或一 • 最多可以有 18 個 Generic 維度. 若您使用標準維度類型建立維度,就可用該類型的預先定義屬性或者載入您自己的維度 屬性來建立維度. 請參閱建立自訂應用程式中的「建立維度」以取得...
VendorAccount First included in: Budgeting/BudgetReservationAgreementLineEntity_PSN (this entity) Properties 展开表 NameValue dataFormat string isNullable true Traits List of traits for the VendorAccount attribute are listed below. is.dataFormat.character is.dataFormat.big is....
从应用程序 "Overview"(概览)中,选择 Dimensions and Models(维和模型) 选项卡 ,然后单击要为其添加成员的维的名称;例如,"Account"(帐户). 4. 在该维的 Overview(概览)中,选择 Hierarchy(层次结构)选项卡 ,然后 选择"表视图" .您还可以使用"详细视图" 添加成员和属性. 5. 可选:在 Hierarchy(层次结构)...