PSM-DID,机制分析和DID稳健性检验的实证 二重差分法深度分析(DID),三重差分兼论 DID思路和操作,一篇相关实证文献 DID运用经典文献,强制性许可的证据 1.Introduction Difference in Differences treatment effects (DID) have been widely used when the evaluation of a given intervention entails the collection ...
引入后变为负, 解释出来的故事特别好, 主效应符号确实增强了故事性,11.双向固定效应多期DID最新进展和代码汇总, 关于控制变量和固定效应选取的讨论,12.逐年匹配的PSM-DID操作策略, 多时点panel政策评估利器,13.多期DID前沿方法大讨论, e.g., 进入-退出型DID, 异质性和动态性处理效应DID, 基期选择问题等,14....
引入后变为负, 解释出来的故事特别好, 主效应符号确实增强了故事性,11.双向固定效应多期DID最新进展和代码汇总, 关于控制变量和固定效应选取的讨论,12.逐年匹配的PSM-DID操作策略, 多时点panel政策评估利器,13.多期DID前沿方法大讨论, e.g., 进入-退出型DID, 异质性和动态性处理效应DID, 基期选择问题等,14....
1.Introduction Difference in Differences treatment effects (DID) have been widely used when the evaluation of a given intervention entails the collection of panel data or repeated cross sections. DID integrates the advances of the fixed effects estimators with the causal inference analysis when unobserv...