Shrooms, Alice, tweezes, mushies, hongos, pizza toppings, magic mushrooms — everyday lingo for psychedelic mushrooms seems to grow with each generation. Yet leading mycologist Paul Stamets believes it’s time for fans of psilocybin mushrooms to leave such childish slang behind...
Abuse of psilocybin mushrooms could also lead to toxicity or death if a poisonous mushroom is incorrectly thought to be a "magic" mushroom and ingested. If vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach cramps begin several hours after consuming the mushrooms, the possibility of poisoning with toxic mushrooms shou...
A study found that giving mice psilocybin led to an immediate and long-lasting increase in neuron connections. The psychedelic drugpsilocybin, a naturally occurring compound found in some mushrooms, has been studied as a potential treatment for depression for years. But exactly how it...
“We chewed and swallowed these acrid mushrooms, saw visions, and emerged from the experience awestruck,” Wasson wrote in aLife magazine article, “Seeking the Magic Mushroom.”“We had come from afar to attend a mushroom rite but had expected nothing so staggering as the virtuosity of the pe...
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Mushrooms. Panaeoluscampanulatus(bell-cappedpanaeolus) Panaeoluscampanulatus Colorphotoofseveralbell-shapedpanaeolusgrowingingrassandclovers. Photographerunknown,originallyarchivedbytheAlteredConsciousness BBS. Panaeoluscampanulatus ColorphotoofseveralPanaeoluscampanulatusgrowingingrass. ...
Since then, several other cities and municipalities across Canada have expressed support for decriminalizing magic mushrooms. It remains to be seen how this will influence the legal status of psilocybin mushrooms in Canada in the future. Safety Issues When Utilizing Magic Mushrooms ...
Learn how to dry fresh magic mushrooms The reason is simple: we have everything you need to grow your own shrooms, whether you choose to use an easy to use magic mushroom grow kit, or use spores, syringes and other growing aids. The most popular way – especially for beginners – is...
Enforcement differs, and magic mushrooms have been decriminalized in several U.S. cities, though Colorado is the only state to legalize them. Still, while Colorado residents over 21 can grow or give away shrooms, they can’t sell or trade them. Sale is illegal and could lead to fines or...
A podcast about psilocybin mushrooms and psilocybin therapy. Interviewing guests and facilitators of MycoMeditations, a psilocybin-assisted retreat in Jamaica, we discuss how psilocybin mushrooms help us grow by treating depression, anxiety, addiction, &