Experience our live exam demo! “Just a quick note to thank you for last week’s prep course I took the real estate exam on Friday afternoon and got a 90%!! I doubt I would have got as high a score without your class and I think I would have struggled to even pass it! Many of...
x x在单词中间或结尾时发/ks/音 box, next, mix, six,fox x在单词中间时有时发/gz/音 exit, exam, exact x在单词起始位置时发/z/音 xylophone, xerox y y在单词起始位置时发音为辅音 yes, you, yard, year, yell y在单词或音节中间或结尾时被当做元音 y在结尾,单词只有一个音节时y发长/i/音, ...