1.Splice variants: Alternative splicing may create different sized proteins from the same gene. 2. Relative charge: The composition of amino acids may affects the charge of the protein. 3. Post-translational modification: Phosphorylation, glycosylation, methylation etc. ...
Phenomenon explanation:The possible reasons that the actual band size differs from the predicted are as follows:1.Splice variants: Alternative splicing may create different sized proteins from the same gene.2. Relative charge: The composition of amino acids may affects the charge of the protein.3....
Finally, the correlation between the genes and engraftment time was investigated to determine the prognostic role of each gene on HPSCs transplantation. Our findings demonstrated that there is a significant correlation between VLA4 (P=< 0.0001) and 5 (P = 0.005) levels and HPSCs engraftment time...
t arget gene regul at ed by t he si gnal of PSGL—l and i nvest i gat ed the i nvol vi ng of Syk.Al l resul ts of thi s st udy provi ded new evi dence that PSGL一1 funct i oni ng as a si gnal recept or Can transduce ext racel l ul ar si gnal s and t ri ...