Cf Tumor Ophthalmology Inflammatory pseudotumor of orbit An idiopathic proliferation of the lymphoid tissue surrounding the ocular orbit, which may be autoimmune in nature and related to orbital myositis Clinical Pain, exophthalmos, limitation of eye movement, lid erythema, edema, myositis, perineuritis,...
A case of fungal infection of the orbit presenting as orbital apex syndrome A 75-year-old woman was referred to us for orbital apex syndrome in her right eye since 5 weeks before. She had been receiving systemic corticosteroid for trigeminal neuralgia during the past one month. Her corrected ...
W. Keizer.Immunohistology of eye muscle in idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease (pseudotumor), Grave’s ophthalmopathy and healthy controls[J]. Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology .1993(2)Immunohistology of eye muscle in idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease (pseudotumor), ...
【临床】女,20岁,因右眼持续性疼痛伴眼球突出7天。 【影像表现】右侧肌锥内可见占位性病变,病变边界清楚,形态尚规则,累及视神经并有视神经增粗,CT平扫呈等信号,增强扫描病变呈中度强化。骨窗示病变周围骨质未见破坏。 【诊断】右侧眶内炎性假瘤(临床诊断)入院后予以甲基强的松龙静滴并抗炎治疗;右眼疼痛渐渐好转,...
A 51-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital for asymmetrical eyelid tumefactions. Six years earlier, she had had episodes of pruriginous inflammatory edema of the eyelid associated with elevation of total IgE level (1819.2 µg/L) and polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia (1.74...
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. AA is a 36-year-old woman who presented with bulging of her right eye over several weeks. She denied pain or double vision. Examinati...
(n=1), ischemic retinal vasculitis(n=1),The extra ocular manifestations included: dry eye syndrome (n = 5), chronic sinusitis (n = 3), peripheral neuropathy (n = 2), presence of excavated lung mass (n = 1), nodular pachymeningitis (n = 1) and clinical signs of hyperthyroidism (n...
Pseudotumor cerebri is characterized by headaches, visual field changes, papilledema and an elevated cerebrospinal fluid opening pressure without evidence of an intracranial mass. In the setting of failed medical therapy, surgical options such as ventriculoperitoneal shunts and optic nerve sheath fenestratio...
success. Her gynecologist started her on triptorelin. Three days after the first dose, she attended our eye centre casualty with progressively worsening headaches accompanied by visual disturbances. She had no past medical history of note, and was on no other medications at the time of presentation...
Immunohistology of eye muscle in idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease (pseudotumor),Graves' ophthalmopathy and healthy controls[J].Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 1993,231.Lenderink T, Jager MJ, Bruijn JA, de Keizer RJ. Immunohistology of eye muscle in idiopathic orbital ...