Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction: Where Real Science Ends and Pseudoscience BeginsJun Yan, Pharm.D.American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
Pseudoscience:Consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that are claimed to be both scientific and factual but are incompatible with thescientific method(unproven, not testable, or opposed to the consensus of traditional science). Anti-Vaccination Definition:Anti-Vaccination, also known as Anti-Vax...
Real Climate Science (realclimatescience.com) Real Jew News (www.realjewnews.com) Reasons to Believe (reasons.org) Redoubt News (redoubtnews.com) RedPill Project (redpillpodcasts.com) Renegade Tribune (renegadetribune.com) Rense (www.rense.com) ...
Abstract:Science must seek truth from facts and not tolerate any falsehood, especially for the most raw low dimensional space-time structure of the world, since they are the elementary understructure of high dimensional space-time material. Topological anti-vortex and vortex are two completely identi...
telling Jesse Ventura,“What that means is a genocidal holocaust. Men and women will sicken and die and those who survive will be infertile”. The YouTube video below contains the circulating clip of Rima Laibow, edited to educate the viewer as to Laibow’s relationship with science, the tru...
Apseudoscienceis a belief or process which masquerades as science in an attempt to claim a legitimacy which it would not otherwise be able to achieve on its own terms; it is often known asfringe-oralternativescience. The most important of its defects is usually the lack of the carefully con...
The Chairman of theBritish Medical Association’sBoard of Science, Sir Charles George, said this: “The BMA believes that at present animal experimentation is necessary to develop a better understanding of diseases and how to treat them. However, wherever possible alternative experimental methods shoul...
The book brought me back to my own postgraduate studies from 1982-1986. My research at that time covered the philosophy of mind, the characterisation of pseudo-science, creationism vs. Darwinism, and the shocking implications of quantum mechanics. All four of these areas were covered in this ...
While there have been several multi-state foodborne outbreaks this year, she said “it is too early to tell whether these are real increases in outbreaks or just better detection.” The CDC is stepping up state and local health department capacity to address outbreaks before they get too big,...
So why don’t more people believe the science on GMOs? Neal Carter is the founder of Okanagan Specialty Fruits, the inventor of a new FDA approved apple that’s been genetically modified not to go brown when it’s sliced. He thinks the problem is a basic lack of knowledge of the proces...