广义逆矩阵(Pseudoinverse)神经网络 广义逆矩阵(Pseudoinverse)在神经网络学习算法中的应用 早在20世纪20年代初期,E.H.Moor就提出了广义逆矩阵的概念,但长期以来广义逆矩阵的研究却没有受到人们的注意。直到1955年,随着科学技术的迅猛发展,特别是电子计算机的出现,推动了计算科学的进步。R.Penrose又独立提出广义逆...
在MATLAB中也直接有相关函数直接用于计算矩阵的广义逆的方法函数 INV(A) (4-7) 五.总结 广义逆矩阵源于线性方程组,但是广义逆矩阵不仅与线性方程组的求解问题有关,而且在求解系统的最优化控制时非常有用,上述Pseudoinverse学习算法就是一例。广义逆矩阵的理论已经成为数理统计,最优化理论,现代控制理论和网络理论的重...
The equivalent MATLAB®code is given by: [U,S,V] = svd(A,0) Ports Input expand all A—Input vector | matrix Output expand all X—Pseudoinverse output vector | matrix E—Error status 0|1 Parameters expand all Show error status port (E)—Show error status port ...
在MATLAB中也直接有相关函数直接用于计算矩阵的广义逆的方法函数 INV(A) (4-7)五 总结 广义逆矩阵源于线性方程组,但是广义逆矩阵不仅与线性方程组的求解问题有关,而且在求解系统的最优化控制时非常有用,上述Pseudoinverse学习算法就是一例。广义逆矩阵的理论已经成为数理统计,最优化理论,现代控制理论和网络理论的...
MatlabPseudo-inverseMany applications in network analysis require the computation of the network's laplacian pseudo-inverse - e.g., Topological centrality in social networks or estimating commute times in electrical networks. As large graphs become ubiquitous, the traditional approaches - with quadratic ...
It suffices to know that all respectable software packages for doing mathematics (such as maple, matlab, or mathematica) contain functions for computing the SVD. For our purposes, the existence of these procedures and the minimal facts outlined above should suffice. 3 ...
MATLAB ForInv - A Fortran library for inverse and pseudo-inverse calculations. fortransvdinversepseudoinversefortran-package-manager UpdatedDec 13, 2023 Fortran Demonstration of Iteratively reWeighted Least Squares (IWLS). javamatrixregressiongaussianglmpoissonpseudoinversebinomialleast-square-regression ...
基于MATLAB的矿井通风网络图的矩阵表示及电算方法 2. The study of enterprise work safety responsibility matrix; 企业安全生产责任矩阵研究 3. Symmetry and matrix representation of octagonal point groups in quasicrystal; 准晶体中八方晶系点群的对称性与矩阵表示 ...
Then, the RCS function respecting to deflection angles is obtained by polynomial fitting in Matlab. To minimize the stealthy objective produced by control surface deflections, the WPI mathematic model with the calculated stealthy characteristic data is established. By applying the Lyapunov stability ...