美 英 n.假性痴呆 网络假痴呆;假性失智;假性失智症 英汉 网络释义 n. 1. 假性痴呆
La Rue A. Memory loss and aging: Distinguishing dementia from benign senescent forgetfulness and depressive pseudodementia. Psychiatric Clinics of North America 1982;5:89-103.La Rue, A. , Memory Loss and Aging: Distinguishing Dementia from Benign Senescent For-getfulness and Depressive Pseudodementia...
electro-convulsive therapy can be the other curative approach. The second treatment approach is not generally used and kept only as a second option as it may result in some amount of memory loss.
Dementia is a frequent cause of memory loss with aging. The incidence of complex partial seizures sharply rises after age 60. Complex partial seizures that occur with subtle clinical signs or loss of awareness, or occur during sleep may defy identification. We report five elderly patients fearing...