3) the pseudo Smarandache function 伪Smarandache函数 1. An equation involving the pseudo Smarandache function and its positive integer solutions; 关于伪Smarandache函数的一个方程及其正整数解 2. On a problem of the pseudo Smarandache function; 关于伪Smarandache函数的一个问题 3. An equation ...
Worksheet Function (Full-Rank) Real Statistics Function: The Real Statistics Resource Pack provides the following function which can be used when R1 contains a full-rank matrix. PseudoInv(R1, 0): outputs an array that is the pseudo-inverse of the matrix in array R1. We can calculate the p...
为避免权值反复迭代修正的冗长BP训练过程,避免传统方法陷入局部极小点,根据多项式理论,构造了一种新型前向神经网络模型,推导了基于最速下降法的误差反传算法和基于伪逆的直接确定法。 2. The optimal parameters is derived through goal function of least error andpseudo-inverseresolution. ...
In[3]:= Out[3]= 求奇异矩阵的伪逆矩阵: In[1]:= Out[1]= 的行列式为零,因此它没有真正的逆矩阵: In[2]:= Out[2]= 对于伪逆矩阵, 和 都成立: Out[3]= 但是,在这种特殊情况下, nor 都不是单位矩阵: In[4]:= Out[4]= 求矩形矩阵的伪逆矩阵: ...
We define the pseudoinverse (resp. a generalized pseudoinverse) of a matrix-valued function F to be the function F x such that, for each λ in the domain of F, F x (λ) is the inverse (resp. a generalized inverse) of the matrix F (λ). We derive a state space formula for a ...
2.The optimal parameters is derived through goal function of least error andpseudo-inverseresolution.通过分析典型的平面四连杆机构的非线性解析方程,根据给定的位置,分解方程,构建线性方程组,引入最小误差目标函数和伪逆的处理方法,得出最优的参数值。
scal function for computing product of a vector by a scalar. And the scalar for each column ofuwould be inverse of each non-zero element ofs. The code is like below. intincx=1;#pragmaomp parallel forfor(inti=0;i<k;i++){doubless;if(s[i]>1.0e-9)ss=1.0/s[i];elsess=s...
Decoupling internal model control for non-square processes based on equivalent transfer function 2014, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control Zero-forcing beamforming in multiuser MISO downlink systems under per-antenna power constraint and equal-rate metric 2013, IEEE Transactions on Wi...
The minimal cost function area (defined as the area corresponding to 5% over the minimal cost) obtained for the pseudo-inverse method is very limited and along the solution space line, whereas the minimal cost function area obtained for other methods are larger or more complex. Moreover, when...
摘要: A new method is reported for the evaluation of non-isothermal kinetic data for various forms of the conversion function. The algorithm is based on a pseudo-inverse matrix method. A description of the algorithm and some calculation examples are presented....