EUS GUIDED THROMBIN INJECTION OF PSEUDO AND TRUE ANEURYSM OF A BRANCH OF SPLENIC ARTERYdoi:10.1055/s-0042-1745184Desai, P.N.Prajapati, R.Patel, C.Kabrawala, M.Sethia, M.Patel, N.Nandwani, S.Mehta, R.Endoscopy
anterior segment, particularly the anterior lens surface and the pupillary border of the iris. The terms pseudoexfoliation orexfoliation syndromehave been widely used for this entity, although the process does not represent a true exfoliation of thelens capsule, like in infrared (glass-blower's) ...
Prevalence and early detection of abdominal aortic aneurysm in pseudoexfoliation syndrome and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma. Curr. Eye Res. 37, 617–623 (2012). 40. Gonen, K. A., Gonen, T. & Gumus, B. Renal artery stenosis and abdominal aorta aneurysm in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome...
The author has previously described three-day fever; he now takes up the task of differentiating what he calls true dengue from false dengue (pseudodengue). The former is apparently what was described as Mediterranean dengue during the war, simulating rather closely phle-botomus fever; the latter...
Dude. Oh, I just I'm sorry, I had a small aneurysm just then. I can't feel the left side of my body after that. I mean, I mean, can you are you still you can't be healthy after that one? I'm sorry. I it's it's really, let's be honest, it's not healthy to listen...
Ruvolo G, Greco E, Speziale G, Di Natale M, Marino B. Surgical repair of pseudo-aneurysm arising from a true chronic aneurysm of the left ventricular lateral wall. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 1994;8:449-50.Ruvolon G, Greco E, Speziale G. Surgical repair of pseudo-aneurysm arising from a...
Radial artery pseudo aneurysm after percutaneous cannulation using Seldinger technique. Indian J Anaesth 2011;55:274‑6.Ranganath A, Hanumanthaiah D. Radial artery pseudo aneurysm after percutaneous cannulation using Seldinger technique. Indian J Anaesth 2011;55:274-6....
Despite easy diagnosis of p aneurysm in most cases, the signs and symptoms are more likely to soft tissue mass in rare cases. So pseudo aneurysm should always be considered as one differential diagnosis for soft tissue tumors.BarziDepartment...
Pseudo-aneurysm of the hepatic artery after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A case report. J Minim Access Surg 2006; 2:73-5. doi: 10.4103/0972- 9941.26652.Roche-Nagle G, Maceneaney, Harte P. Pseudo-aneurysm of the hepatic artery after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A case report. J Minim Access...
Pseudo AneurysmCovered StentCongenital Heart DiseasePTFEPercutaneous stenting of both native and recurrent coarctation of the aorta has become an acceptable alternative to surgical repair in most centers throughout the world. Severe complications such as aortic rupture, dissection, and late pseudo aneurysm...