p::first-letter { color: red; } ::first-letter ::first-line ::selection ::before ::after ::first-letter- This is used to add a style to the first letter of the specified selector (each). This can only be used with block-level elements. background properties font properties padding ...
The double colon replaced the single-colon notation for pseudo-elements in CSS3. This was an attempt from W3C to distinguish betweenpseudo-classesandpseudo-elements. The single-colon syntax was used for both pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements in CSS2 and CSS1. For backward compatibility, the si...
CSSPseudo-elements 伪元素是一个附加至选择器末的关键词,允许对被选择元素的特定部分修改样式。CSS伪元素是一种样式化文档元素的方法,这些元素没有由文档树中的位置明确定义。 一、什么是伪元素? CSS伪元素允许设置元素或元素部分的样式,而无需向其添加任何ID或类。当只想为段落的第一个字母设置样式以创建首字下...
The double colon replaced the single-colon notation for pseudo-elements in CSS3. This was an attempt from W3C to distinguish betweenpseudo-classesandpseudo-elements. The single-colon syntax was used for both pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements in CSS2 and CSS1. For backward compatibility, the si...
CSS伪元素用于将特殊的效果添加到某些选择器。 语法: 伪元素的语法: 选择器 : 伪元素 { 属性: 值 } CSS 类也可以与伪元素配合使用: 选择器 . 类: 伪元素 { 属性: 值 } :first-line 伪元素 "first-line" 伪元素用于向某个选择器中的文字的首行添加特殊样式: ...
The single-colon syntax was used for both pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements in CSS2 and CSS1. For backward compatibility, the single-colon syntax is acceptable for CSS2 and CSS1 pseudo-elements. The ::first-letter Pseudo-element The::first-letterpseudo-element is used to add a special styl...
css类也可以与伪元素配合使用: select.class:pseudo-element{property:value;} :first-line伪元素, "first-line"伪元素用于向文本的首行设置特殊样式, p:first-line{ color:#ff0000; font-variant:small-caps; } 注释:"first-line"伪元素只能用于块级元素. ...
CSS Pseudo-elements(伪元素)简介 CSS伪元素是CSS提供的一种特殊选择器,可以在元素的前面或后面插入内容,并且可以使用CSS样式对这些内容进行修饰。伪元素不是真实的DOM元素,而是在渲染过程中由CSS创建的。 在CSS中,伪元素通过使用两个冒号(::)来表示,例如`::before`和`::after`。在旧版本的CSS中,单冒号(:)也...
CSS进阶篇——伪元素 (pseudo elements) 伪元素(pseudo elements)和伪类(pseudo classes)非常相像,都是依附在选择器上使用 selector:pseudoelement { property: value; }。 首字母 & 首行 first-letter 作用于盒模型元素的第一个字母,first-line 作用于最顶部的...
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