伪元素:设置元素的第一个字母或行的样式;在元素内容之前或之后插入内容 1.pseudo-class和pseudo-element的异同 相同点:两者均以selector或者selector.class的形式开头。 不同点:pseudo-class的操作对象是文档树中已有的元素,而pseudo-element则创建了一个文档数外的元素。 pseudo-class只有一个冒号,pseudo-element有...
不同点: Pseudo-class的操作对象是文档树中已有的元素,而pseudo-element则创建了一个文档数外的元素。因此,Pseudo-class和pseudo-element的区别在于:有没有创建一个文档树之外的元素。Pseudo-class只有一个冒号,pseudo-element有两个冒号
伪类(Pseudo-class)和伪元素(Pseudo-element) Pseudo-class 一个CSS 伪类(pseudo-class)是一个以冒号作为前缀的关键字,当你希望样式在特定状态下才被呈现到指定的元素时,你可以往元素的选择器后面加上对应的伪类(pseudo-class)。 :root 匹配文档树的根元素, 它比html选择器的优先度更高 :not(X) 匹配不符合参...
ERROR Error:CSS minification error:Expected a pseudo-classorpseudo-element..File:static/css/chunk-54dad19c.4031b68b.css Error:CSS minification error:Expected a pseudo-classorpseudo-element..File:static/css/chunk-54dad19c.4031b68b.css at D:\work\nia-nation\nia-front\node_modules\@intervolga\...
The ::first-line Pseudo-element The::first-linepseudo-element is used to add a special style to the first line of a text. The following example formats the first line of the text in all elements: Example p::first-line{ color:#ff0000; font-...
selector::pseudo-element {property: value;} 下面展示一个例子: 伪元素(Pseudo-elements) 能够帮助将样式应用于HTML元素的第一个字母或者第一行。 这儿有六种伪元素,让我们用一个例子来看看每一个伪元素吧。 1) ::first-line ::first-line 伪元素有助于选择样式并将样式应用于文本、段落和标题的第一行。
A CSS pseudo-element is a keyword added to a selector that lets you style a specific part of the selected element(s).
A pseudo-element is denoted by the use of two colons, followed by the pseudo-element name.Expand table ::after Defines generated content that appears after an element. ::before Defines generated content that appears before an element. ::selection Applies one or more styles to any text on ...
@apply causesExpected pseudo-class or pseudo-element#371 avshyzopened this issueApr 23, 2017· 3 comments Copy link avshyzcommentedApr 23, 2017• edited Adding these lines of codes :root { --danger-theme: { color: white; background-color: red; } } body { @apply --danger-theme; } ...
This is used to style specified parts of an element. Syntax: – selector::pseudo-element { property:value; } Ex: – p::first-letter { color: red; } ::first-letter ::first-line ::selection ::before ::after ::first-letter-