The :first-child pseudo-class matches an element that is the first child element of some other element. Note Requires Windows Internet Explorer 7 or later. Note Pseudo-class enabled only in standards-compliant mode (strict !DOCTYPE). Inline text is not considered to be part of the document ...
:last-child,:nth-child()用法和:first-child用法差不远。 伪元素允许给元素的某些部分添加样式。 所有伪元素有 ::before, ::after, ::first-letter, ::first-line, ::selection,其中 ::selection是属于CSS3新增的 伪元素用两个冒号是CSS3中的规定,用于区别 伪类,其实也是可以使用单冒号的,可以兼容过老版本...{color:#FF0000;}CSS 语法 如果在上面的例子的链接已被访问,它会显示为红色。 四、CSS :first-child 伪类 您可以使用 :first-child 伪类来选择父元素的第一个子元素。 注意:在IE8的之前版本必须声明<!DOCTYPE> ,这样 :first-child 才能生效。 五、匹配第一个 元素 在下面的例子中,选择器匹...
CSS - PSEUDO-CLASS :FIRST-CHILD Copyright © Description The :first-child pseudo-class is used to add special effect to an element that is the first child of some other element. To make :first-child ...
<1> : first-child伪类 :first-child伪类匹配的是一些其他元素的第一个子元素的元素。ol li:first-child在下面的示例中,选择器选择一个有序列表的第一个列表项,并从其顶部删除边框。 ol{padding:0;list-style: none;} olli{padding:10px0;border-top:1pxsolid#000000;} li:first...
The pseudo class ":first-child" is potentially unsafe when doing server-side rendering. Try changing it to ":first-of-type" an example case is: MuiTab:
:first-child 6、:first-of-type 和 :last-of-type :first-of-type表示一组同级元素中该类型的第一个元素。 :last-of-type表示一组同级元素中该类型的最后一个元素。 示例: HTML HeadingParagraph 1Paragraph 2 CSS p:first-of-type{color:red;
Pseudo-Class First-Child Pseudo-Class Last-Child Pseudo-Class Lang Pseudo-Class not List of CSS Pseudo ClassesWhat is Pseudo-class?Pseudo-classes often used along with CSS Selectors by inserting a colon (:) after selector. For example a : hover{}, Here selector `a` will selects all the...
p:first-child { font-weight: bold; font-size: 40px; } 1. 2. 3. 4. CSS3 提供了更多的伪类,比如 last-child,target 以及 first-of-type 等等。 后面会讲到~
:first-child:向元素的第一个子元素添加样式。 :lang:向带有指定 lang 属性的元素添加样式。 一、语法 伪类的语法: selector:pseudo-class{property:value;} 1. CSS类也可以使用伪类: selector.class:pseudo-class{property:value;} 1. 二、锚伪类