The PSD90-3 will test any AC or DC capacitive fuel, water, liquid oxygen (LOX), or engine oil system. When combined with an aircraft specific interface, the PSD90-3 allows the user to test, troubleshoot and isolate fuel system issues, calibrate fuel quantity indicators, and detect ...
VIAVI PSD90-1C 交/直流电容测试仪 概述 PSD90-1C通用AC / DC电容测试仪将测试任何AC或DC电容性燃料,水,LOX或发动机机油定量系统*。PSD90-1C具有使用户能够更好地排除故障并隔离燃油系统问题的功能。设计坚固,可在需要测试和故障排除的任何地方使用。PSD90-1C能够使用外部电源进行操作,非常适合燃料系统部件的车...
The PSD90-1C Universal AC/DC Capacitance T est Set will test any AC or DC capacitive fuel, water, LOX/engine oil, or other AC capacitance system. The test set includes features that allow the user to better troubleshoot and isolate fuel system problems. Rugged in design, the unit can ...
PS-D90 -电池类型:高-RatioP聚合物锂B蓄电池 -容量:129.5Wh-放电速率:40C -输入:DC 32V,2A. -EC5输出#1:直流12五、对于汽车:启动电流200A,峰值电流500A -EC5输出#2:DC 24V卡车:启动电流800A,峰值电流1600A -双USB输出:DC 5V,3A. -探照灯:18W 5600流明,照射距离约1km...
第一步:在Camera Raw中打开(假设已安装Camera Raw插件)对着NEF格式的图片点击右键——选择“打开方式”——选择PS,此时即可在Camera Raw中打开照片。如图:Camera Raw插件打开NEF格式照片界面。在此界面可以进行功能丰富的调整修改 2,进入PS 如果不对照片进行修改,或者已经修改完毕,点击Camera Raw ...
VIAVI PSD90-3应用说明:污染探头检测说明书 Application Note Contaminated Probe Detection with the PSD90-3 VIAVI Solutions has been supporting aircraft fuel quantity system testing of rotary and fixed-wing for over 30 years, as part of Goodrich Aerospace, then Aeroflex, and now VIAVI. During this...
PS-D90 - Battery Type: High-Ratio Polymer Lithium Battery - Capacity: 129.5Wh - Discharging Rate: 40C - Input: DC 32V, 2A - EC5 Output#1: DC 12V for car: Start current 200A, Peak current 500A - EC5 Output#2: DC 24V for truck: Start current 800A, Peak current 1600A -...
说明书 生活娱乐 搜试试 续费VIP 立即续费VIP 会员中心 VIP福利社 VIP免费专区 VIP专属特权 客户端 登录 百度文库 说明书 操作手册VIAVI PSD90-3 多功能AC DC燃料容量测试设备操作手册说明书©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
(NASDAQ: VIAV) has unveiled its new PSD90-3 fuel quantity test set atAEA 2023. The test set allows the user to test, troubleshoot and isolate fuel system issues, calibrate fuel quantity indicators and detect contaminated fuel probes. ThePSD90-3will test any AC or DC capacitive fuel, ...