当你遇到“pscp: command not found”这个错误时,通常意味着pscp命令没有在你的系统中被正确安装或者其所在的目录没有被添加到你的系统环境变量PATH中。下面我将逐一提供可能的解决方案: 确认是否已安装PuTTY或相关套件: pscp是PuTTY套件中的一个工具,用于在Windows和其他系统之间进行安全的文件传输。如果你没有安装Pu...
我正在尝试从服务器复制文件,因为我使用的是 PuTTY,所以我读到使用 pscp 是最好的。我已将 pscp.exe 目录添加到我的路径 (C:\ProgramFiles\PuTTY),但是当我尝试使用它时,我收到以下消息:-bash: pscp: command not found我在这里做错了什么?谢谢!编辑:我还在 Windows 命令提示符中使用了 pscp,它给了我完全...
This package provides four command-line tools from the PuTTY suite that allow various kinds of secure interaction with remote systems. Plink (PuTTY Link) connects to a remote system via SSH, Telnet, or rlogin, and either starts an interactive session or runs a batch process. It supports the ...
当我们执行如下代码时,提示错误“-bash: phantomjs: command not found”,表示还未安装该包。 phantomjs -v yum install phantomjs 同时,执行“yum install phantomjs”代码,没有可得到的扩展包,下面我们开始正式讲解吧。 作者准备将Phantomjs安装包下载至/root/eastmount文件夹下。
使用pscp命令时出现"Command not found“ 、、、 我正在使用PuTTY pscp将项目文件夹传输到AWS实例。pscp -r -i C:\path-to-my-keys\converted-pem-keys.ppk d:\MyDevelopment\myproj ec2-user@xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/home/ec2-user/myproj pscp: Com 浏览10提问于2018-03-05得票数 5 回答已采纳 1回答...
I used where to verify that ssh.exe could not be found. Then I tried again, still didn't work. I did get a different error. Amplifier cannot detect remote machine configuration. pscp (command-line SCP (secure copy) / SFTP client) is not in PATH. The plink directory is already in ...
PuTTY 中文版,原 http://code.google.com/p/puttycn 项目。. Contribute to larryli/PuTTY development by creating an account on GitHub.
With PuTTY’s pscp, moving files between Windows and Linux is straightforward. We need to give the path information of source and destination. You will also be needing the IP address of the Linux device, which can be found out using the ipconfig command. Here is the command structure to ...
If I try the same with sudo it outputs command not found. Some commands that I have tried: pscp "C:\example\bin\example" pi@ To my knowledge the above tries to send a folder named example through pscp which cannot be found. This would work on ...