is the tuning frequency of the ports, as expected from fig.1. The ports, too, behave similarly, and the sum of their outputs (fig.4, blue trace) sharply peaks between 40 and 90Hz, with a generally clean rolloff above that region. Higher...
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千元以下书架音响最优选择-漫步者s1000mkii jackdavid 24 5 宝华韦健606 S3书架音响评测:纯粹音质的新境界! 京夜开箱 0 2 传统音响大厂的实力之作——普乐之声ES15桌面/书架音箱使用体验 普通奶爸 18 69 不惧大空间的书架箱狄芬尼提D11听感分享,音响界特斯拉是也 可怜的月亮 0 1 Monitor Audio猛牌...
惠威M200MKIII+无线蓝牙HiFi音箱 2.0有源电视电脑客厅书房音响 1899元 京东 02-26 06:35 0 -- 宝华韦健 B&W)ASW610有源低音炮家庭影院音响家用音响HIFI音箱高保真大功率发烧级 白色 7182元 京东 02-26 05:20 0 -- 宝华韦健 B&W)DB4S有源低音炮家庭影院超重低音音响音箱HIFI发烧级 黑色 16020元 京东 02-...
as well as meaningful output extending to just below 40Hz. I would be impressed with the PSB’s impact and slam fortwiceits price of $349/pair -- it seemed capable of almost all the extension of Definitive Technology’s Demand D9 minimonitor ($749/pair), which I reviewed last year (...
Sidebar 3: Measurements I used DRA Labs' MLSSA system and a calibrated DPA 4006 microphone to measure the PSB Alpha P5's frequency response in the farfield and an Earthworks QTC-40 mike for the nearfield responses. Because the tweeter is mounted at the b
When I plugged both ports, however, the response remained within ±2.5dB limits (with 1/6-octave smoothing) down to 40Hz, and rolled off at about 12dB/octave below that (lower black trace in fig.1). The response now lacked the extraoomphfrom the bumps below 50Hz that it had with onl...
惠威M300MKII 有源HIFI音箱 原木色 3580元 京东 03-16 03:33 0 -- 先科YL-21蓝牙防水音柱音箱 40W 124.5元 京东 03-16 00:55 0 -- 乐视G62电视音响家用台式客厅回音壁 家庭影院智能无线蓝牙音箱播放器 条箱可挂墙壁挂 269元 京东 03-15 18:08 0 -- JBL SB580回音壁电视音响 3.1杜比音效家庭影院客厅...
Sidebar 3: Measurements All the measurements were performed with the speaker's grille in place. Despite its small size, the PSB Alpha B1 had an estimated voltage sensitivity of 87dB(B)/2.83V/m, which is right on the average of the speakers I have measure