Your PSAT score is a good indicator of how well you will do on the SAT, so it’s important to understand PSAT scoring and to review your score report. Your overall PSAT score will range from 320 (lowest) to 1520 (highest) and is calculated by adding your two section scores together. ...
(Total Score) PSAT成绩报告中最醒目且数值最大的分数是PSAT总分,是循证阅读与写作、数学这两个部分分数的总和,介于320至1520分之间。 考题两部分分别的分数 (Section Scores) 考题由2个部分组成:循证阅读与写作和数学,每部分分数都在160-760分之间。 百分位数 (Percentiles) 百分位数代表的是等于或低于自己PSAT成...
Apart from helping you predict and get ready for the SAT, your PSAT score is important forNational Merit distinctionand scholarships.Since National Merit looks at scorers in top percentiles, it's important to know your percentiles, along with your scores. Your percentiles compare you to other stu...
Selection Index Score:Used for National Merit Scholarship Program consideration, calculated as [(2 × Reading & Writing Score) + Math Score] ÷ 10, ranging from 48-228. Percentile Rankings:Percentiles that allow you to compare your scores to those of other test takers. For example, a student ...
(Percentiles) 百分位数代表的是等于或低于自己PSAT成绩的考生百分比。例如,一位10年级考生的PSAT分数在第57百分位(57th percentile),意味着这位考生的PSAT成绩等于或优于57%的10年级PSAT考生。 除此以外,PSAT成绩报告还包括了非常详尽的学生错题报告、学生优势和劣势以及日后学习的分...
Did I get a good Digital PSAT score? Good question. The highest scores and percentiles earn National Merit Recognition. But Digital PSAT scores are also useful in determining your best prep strategies for the Digital SAT or ACT. For a Digital PSAT score report consultation, call us at800-2RE...
According to this chart,a good PSAT score for a junior is a composite score higher than 1130, an OK score is one higher than 980, and an excellent score is anything higher than 1260. What Do PSAT Score Percentiles Mean? To understand how we chose the scores to represent "good," "OK"...
PSAT成绩报告中最醒目且数值最大的分数是PSAT总分,是循证阅读与写作、数学这两个部分分数的总和,介于320至1520分之间。 02考题两部分分别的分数(Section Scores) 考题由2个部分组成:循证阅读与写作和数学,每部分分数都在160-760分之间。 03百分位数(Percentiles) ...
Selection Index cutoffs compare the scores of test takers in each state. You'll probably get national percentiles on your PSAT score report, butstate percentilesare the ones NMSC uses to award students. The chart below shows the National Merit Selection Index cutoffs for students who took the...