In this guide, we'll tell you what PSAT/NMSQT score you need in order to qualify for Semifinalist status in your state and potentially move on to win a National Merit scholarship. What's a Good Score for the National Merit Scholarship? The exact PSAT/NMSQT score for National Merit conside...
Don't worry, it's not a complicated response. It's just that the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) compares test takers on a state-by-state basis. To become a National Merit Semifinalist,you have to score in the top 1% of students in your state. This guide will fill you ...
National Merit uses Selection Index scores to determine who qualifies for the National Merit program. To calculate your Selection Index score, multiply your PSAT Reading & Writing score by 2, add it to your Math score, and then divide the result by 10. The College Board includes your Selection...
“Ethan is a National Merit Finalist, so he received scholarship opportunities from a number of universities based on his National Merit status, including the University of Houston, where he will be attending tuition-free. He also scored an almost perfect SAT® score (1560), thanks in part ...
To become a National Merit Semifinalist, you’ll need to score in the 99th percentile, which is the highest percentile possible. (Just to be clear, a 99th percentile score doesnotnecessarily mean you got aperfect PSAT scoreof 1520—though it can.) ...
have a Selection Index high enough toqualify you for National Meritin your particular state. These cutoff Selection Index scores range anywhere from 209-222. For more information about the Selection Index scores needed to qualify, check outour guideon how to become a National Merit Semifinalist....
If you’re a strong test-taker aiming for National Merit, then a good PSAT score for you will be one thatqualifies you for Commended Student or Semifinalist.Read on to learn what is a good PSAT score for National Merit distinction. ...