This practice test and others to follow are part of a thoughtful process in 10th grade to help you be equipped in 11th grade with an optimized plan for successfully handling college admissions exams. Your plans’ details should include a clear understanding of the varying roles of the tests in...
Take a practice test and see how you fare—then you can focus on improving in any weak subject areas. For the PSAT, one of the best things you can do to prepare is justpay attention in your classes and do some challenging outside reading.Developing your logical reasoning and reading compr...
In addition to reviewing your notes from your math classes, completing as many of the practice problems on the official PSAT website as possible will familiarize you with actual test material.Be a Writing WhizThe multiple choice questions in the PSAT writing section test your ability to express ...
PSAT/NMSQT stands for Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test and is taken in high school, usually during a student’s junior year. Below, we list four reasons why students should take the PSAT. The PSAT is a test run for the SAT. Taking the PSAT in high school prepares...
The PSAT/NMSQT, or PSAT, isa practice test for the SATthat's offered every October for 10th and 11th graders. It also serves asa qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program,which awards $2,500 scholarships annually to high-scoring 11th graders. ...
Use your PSAT 8/9 and PSAT 10 to gauge what preparation you can do now to set yourself up for success in the months ahead. If you’d like more information on how to do well on the PSAT, check out the College Board’sfree practice testsas well as ourPSAT Info and Tips. ...
The PSAT is more than just practice for the SAT! It also serves as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Students who take the PSAT in the 11th grade are automatically entered to compete for this prestigious award, which can help them get into top-ranked colleges and universities and...
Because it is a practice test and college admissions offices don't see the scores, explaining its value to high schoolers can be a tough sell. Students should be aware, however, that potential scholarship money is awaiting some of the test's top performers. And for those planning to take ...
Other than clocking in at 15 minutes shorter – 2 hours and 45 minutes without breaks – there are few differences between the PSAT andSAT.The similarities are deliberate, so that the PSAT can serve as a practice tool for the actual exam. Students can become familiar with the test structure...
Without KD, I don't think I would have the motivation to consistently study for the SAT (test). In the beginning, every time I saw a KD email, I'd remember to sign up for a workshop and practice test for the weekend. Then, it became a habit to go to KD on Saturday mornings. ...