PSAT/NMSQT(Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test)是SAT的预备考试,旨在帮助学生准备SAT,并且还是国家优秀学生奖学金资格考试(National Merit Scholarship Program)的选拔依据之一。PSAT/NMSQT通常在学生高中11年级(美国的11年级相当于国内的高二)进行。 除了PSAT/NMSQT之外,还有其他几种PSAT考试,它们...
PSAT/NMQT是美国的practice of sat, NMQT=PSAT,同时具有国家学术能力考核的功能。那个复习计划是给美国人看的,(况且你应该没考PSAT)背完单词,做完巴郎、和官方指南,普林斯顿就应该没问题
SAT奖学金PSAT NMSQT预考学术竞赛奖学金数学部分美国国家荣誉奖学金公司(Nationa lMerit Scholarship Corporation,简称NMSC)是一家非赢利的私立组织,它管理着两个学术竞赛奖学金——美国学生荣誉奖学金项目(National Merit Scholarship Program)和美国学生成就奖学金项目(National Achievement Scholarship Program),这两个...
The PSAT/NMSQT Is Now Digital Find out what to expect on test day. Start Preparing with Bluebook™ See the test preview or take a full-length practice test. Download Bluebook Before Test Day Content on the PSAT/NMSQT is very similar to the SAT, with Reading and Writing and Math sectio...
PSAT是Preliminary SAT,SAT预考,也称为NMSQT,National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test(美国全国英才奖学金资格考试)。PSAT总分是240。题型包括批判性阅读,数学和写作。对准备申请大学,认真备考迎接挑战的十一年级学生来说,PSAT是SAT前的热身赛。更是对全国学业奖学金(National Merit Scholarship)资格的...
PSAT/NMSQT/SAT的考试,最好是在几年级考,可以参考图片 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...北京沃得天下教育咨询有限公司 ü 审核时间 2023-08-15 Ü 简介: 沃得天下由资深“老海归”创办,集结留学业界权威咨询师和多年海外...
The PSAT/NMSQT, or Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, is mostly a practice version of the SAT, but it can also lead to money for college through theNational Merit Scholarship Program. In addition to using yourPSAT scoreto compete for scholarships, many students use their...
PSAT/NMSQT测试的全名是(Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test),即SAT预备考试及全美优秀学生奖学金资格考试。 PSAT是SAT考试的重要练习机会,也被称为SAT的热身考试。对SAT考试有指导作用。参加PSAT考试能够让同学摸清自己的学科弱势,有针对性的为SAT做准备。
PSAT/NMSQT, Test Prep, TEST PREP The digital PSAT/NMSQT® is an excellent opportunity for students to prepare for the formal SAT® and to qualify for prestigious college scholarships. With that in mind, it’s no surprise you and your child may have plenty of questions regarding… ...