Nonetheless,not everyone needs to prep for the PSAT or even take it.If you're not trying to hit National Merit, don't bother committing to lengthy prep sessions or long-term study plans. Likewise, if you're set on taking the ACT instead of the SAT, the PSAT won't be as helpful or...
asThoreau’semphasisontheimportanceofconscienceandKing’s emphasisonmorality. ChoiceAisorrectbecauseThoreausuggeststhatfewpeople followtheirconsciences.“Mustthecitizen...resignhisconscience tothelegislator?”(lines1-2).Kingdifferentiatesbetweenjustand unjustlaws(lines50-54)butneversuggestshowmanypeople mightor...
Nowif your child is an exceptionally young student (i.e. 7th or 8th grade), I wouldrecommend taking the SAT now.The SAT will not show up on her high school record if she takes it before 9th grade. If your child takes the SAT now, she can get a sense of how a real test day wi...
For the first time, students will have the option of taking the test on computers. Once the predominant college admissions exam, the SAT in recent years has been overtaken in popularity by the competing ACT, which has long been considered more curriculum based. The ACT offers an optional essay...
When will this test date be? What if you can’t make it? This guide will answer both those questions, as well as explain the importance of PSAT scores, when you can expect to receive your scores, and how you can prepare for the exam. ...
or both. There’s no limit to the number of times you can register for and take the SAT (it’s given seven times throughout the academic year). But before you taking the exam the fifth or sixth time, be sure the schools you’re applying for only see your best score. Learn more ab...
As an instructor who emphasizes the importance of time management when taking an exam, I highly encourage students to work with expert tactics, clear explanations, and realistic practice that have been proven to work time and time again.
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练习测试答案说明花点时间学习如何在参加后提高成绩psat test 2 answer解释.pdf,PSAT/NMSQT ANSWER EXPLANATIONS READING PSAT/NMSQT Practice Test #2 Reading Test Answer Explanations Question 1 Choice A is the best answer. Falvo believes that when trying KEY: A