On your score report, likely the first number you’ll see is your overall scaled PSAT score.This is perhaps the piece of data you'll be most interested in. The PSAT is scored on a scale of 320-1520in 10-point increments. 1520 is the max score you can get (this max differs fromthe...
All of these PSAT score types are useful in different ways, but the most important ones for understanding how you did are yourscaled total and section scores.As you saw above, you can score a max of 1520 on the PSAT or 760 in each section. While the Reading and Writing and Language se...
referringtoamusicalscore.DIFFICULTY:Hard 23 PSAT/NMSQTANSWEREXPLANATIONSWRITINGANDLANGUAGE ChoicesA,B,andDareincorrectbecausetheyofferoptionsthatdo notworkconnotativelywhensubstitutedintothesentence. Question24 ChoiceDisthebestanswerbecauseitcreatesacompletesentenceKEY:D byattachingthedependentclause(“As...improvisati...
sat教研新6套样卷psat一套官方test.pdf,Practice Test #6 Make time to take the practice test. It’s one of the best ways to get ready for the SAT. After you’ve taken the practice test, score it right away at /scoring. © 2016 The College Board. College B
What about the max Selection Index score of 228? You could get that with top section scores of 38 in all three sections. 38 + 38 + 38 = 114. Multiply that by 2, and you get 228. Now you can see that the Selection Index isn’t as random as it might have looked at first glance...
On your score report, one of the first (and most important) pieces of data you’ll see is your overall scaled PSAT score. The test is scored on a scale of320-1520in 10-point increments. This means that 1520 is the max score you can get (this max differs fromthe SAT, for which th...
referringtoamusicalscore.DIFFICULTY:Hard 23 PSAT/NMSQTANSWEREXNATIONSWRITINGANDLANGUAGE ChoicesA,B,andDareorrectbecausetheyofferoptionsthatdo notworkconnotativelywhensubstitutedintothesentence. Question24 ChoiceDisthebestanswerbecauseitcreatesacompletesentenceKEY:D byattachingthedependentclause(“As...improvisation...