我不再为你们哭泣。 English / German / Chinese Lyrics JS Bach – Johannes Passion – BWV 245, Collegium Vocale Gent, Philippe Herreweghe (English subtitles)英语字幕 中德双语字幕 German / Chinese Lyrics Bach Johannes Passion St John Passion BWV 245 John Eliot Gardinerwith Englis...
English Introduction中文简介 Chinese Introduction TheSt Matthew Passion(German:Matthäus-Passion),BWV244, is aPassion, a sacredoratoriowritten byJohann Sebastian Bachin 1727 for solo voices, doublechoirand doubleorchestra, withlibrettobyPicander. It sets the26thand27thchapters of theGospel of Matthew(in...
You fought for us against people of this land; You set our parents free to enjoy its goodness.3 They did not win the land with their swords. It wasn’t their strength that won them victory.It was Your strength—Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your presence that gave ...
is aMassin theCatholic Churchoffered for the repose of thesoulor souls of one or more deceased persons, using a particular form of theRoman Missal. It is frequently, but not necessarily, celebrated in the context of afuneral.
Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven我灵赞美天上君王 Be Still, My Soul安静,我的灵魂 How Deep The Father’s Love For Us天父对我们深深的爱 Will Your Anchor Hold In The Storms Of Life在人生的风暴中坚守你的锚 Psalm 23诗篇二十三篇
中文歌词 Chinese Lyrics 作词:Gloria Gaither 作曲:William J.Gaither 吉他编配:高义端 1.神差爱子 祂名叫耶稣 祂赐下爱 医治宽恕 死里复活 使我得自由 那空坟墓就是我得救的记号 **因祂活着 我能面对明天 因祂活着 不再惧怕 我深知道 祂掌管明天 ...
English Lyrics 英文歌词中文歌词 Chinese LyricsIn Christ alone my hope is foundHe is my light, my strength, my songThis cornerstone, this solid groundFirm through the fiercest drought and stormWhat heights of love, what depths of peaceWhen fears are still
281. 信心使我得勝 (Faith Is the Victory) 光明山上基督精兵, [Midi] 282. 我知誰掌管明天 (I Know Who Holds Tomorrow) 我不知明天將如何, [試聽][Midi] 283. 我知誰掌管前途 (I Know Who Holds the Future) 我知誰掌管前途,我知祂握著我手; [試聽][Midi] 284. 等候倚靠 (If Thou but Suffe...
English Lyrics中文歌词Onward, Christian soldiers!marching as to war,Looking unto Jesus, who is gone before.Christ, the Royal Master,leads against the foe;Forward into battle, see His banners go.At the name of JesusSatan's host doth flee;On then, Christi
祢是耶和華 自有永有的神 在祢沒有時間的盡頭 那一天 見到祢容顏 祢至聖至榮 仿彿站在玻璃海上 唱摩西和羔羊的詩歌 我多想 我多想 早早飽得祢慈愛 好叫我一生一世歡呼喜樂 我羨慕 我渴想 耶和華的院宇 我心腸 我肉體 向祢呼籲 那一天 來到祢面前 ...