24Your laws please me; they give me wise advice. Daleth 25I lie in the dust; revive me by your word. 26I told you my plans, and you answered. Now teach me your decrees. 27Help me understand the meaning of your commandments, and I will meditate on your wonderful deeds. 28I weep ...
Psalms 118:27 Meaning and Commentary Psalms 118:27 God [is] the Lord, which hath showed us light These are the words of the people, acknowledging divine favours; particularly that the Lord had caused his face to shine upon them, as the priest wished for, ( Numbers 6:25 ) . The Lo...
Psalms 118:23 Meaning and Commentary Psalms 118:23 This is the Lord's doing This stone is from the Lord, ( Genesis 49:24 ) ; it is of his choosing, appointing, and laying: the rejection of it by the builders is through his permission and will; they did no other things than what...
meaning. If David took up his harp to sing of his own sorrows, the Spirit of God guided him to describe those of a greater (ISBE, iv, p. 2492). Then Sampey adds, "The real author of inspired prophecies is the Holy Spirit. His meaning is that which the reverent interpreter most ...
Passion (German: Matthäus-Passion) 马太受难曲 ||| Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus 兴起为耶稣 ||| Standing on the Promises 站在神的应许上 ||| Still 安静 ||| Sweet Hour of Prayer 祷告良辰 ||| Since Jesus Came Into My Heart 自耶稣来住在我心 ||| 圣诞的真谛 The True Meaning of ...
Thus some seek to explain the meaning of the later Davidic superscriptions in the Psalter. The psalms to which they belong are thought to have been written by Hezekiah, by Josiah, by Zerubbabel, or others of David's posterity. This view is supposed to be confirmed by various considerations...
Psalm 58:8 Make them wither like grass that is trampled: the meaning of the Hebrew is unclear. Another translation likens the psalmist’s foes to archers who shoot blunted arrows. “When they ready the bow, let their arrows be blunted.” Psalm 58:9 Snail: the ancients believed that snails...
. . Every sentence in Psalm 22 can be applied to Jesus without straining its meaning. If David took up his harp to sing of his own sorrows, the Spirit of God guided him to describe those of a greater (ISBE, iv, p. 2492). Then Sampey adds, "The real author of inspired prophecies...
马太受难曲(德語:Matthäuspassion) BWV 244,是一部清唱剧受難曲,由约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫创作於1727年(在莱比锡擔任教會指揮時),内容是根据馬太福音里有关耶稣的受难。马太受难曲和約翰受難曲是巴赫两部完整的受难曲作品。整部作品演出时间长达3小时。
God-given perception of the nature and meaning of things, resulting in sound... 8409 decision-making, and providence 8409 decision-making, and providence People need guidance from God about how they should make up... 8437 giving, of talents 8437 giving,...