This weekend, my son was in a baseball tournament. They won their first game, but as they were about to start the second game, the coaches realized there were kids from a higher league on the other team. They asked the coaches from the other team about it and they denied that they we...
Shortly after that, the Lord opened a door of opportunity for me to serve in an administrative position at a church. Even though it was less money, I considered it a step up and indeed it was! Thus began this crazy journey with Jesus of the last 23 years. Like many, I was a very...
yet had her cook for them (she was watched by the children and not allowed to eat any of the family food she was ordered to prepare); who kept her chained. Yet
The joy set before Him was His desire to please His Father by the chosen path of Life via His death. He was Life, in Him was Light and no darkness. His life and light were the light of this world of darkness in which we live. The life He pursued was for each of us who receive...
Latest Posts About Me Well,hi! I’m Betsy. I write mostly for a living and have been putting words in other people’s mouths for decades. This site is my blank slate on which to write as God directs. Join me on the journey, and we’ll see what happens! S
A Universe Just for Us (Part 3) February 10, 2025 watchmakerspulseLeave a comment This is a continution of my discussion of the book Why the Universe is the Way It Is by Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe. The questions dealt with in the book are: Why such a vast universe? – This...
This is the love and generosity of God. When we ask, He will give us Himself. For when He sent His Son to earth, He sent His Spirit to live in us. And through His Spirit, we are given His guidance, His love and comfort, His joy and His peace. What loving gifts from the Giver...
The only thing I’m planning is I’m writing this record. I don’t know who’s going to put it out or when. There’s no release plans, but a record’s worth of music for orchestra, with strings, winds, and brass and electronics. So it’s more on the composer vibe, less on th...
Big Smiles for the Boys Psalm West and his brother Saint are all smiles in this heartwarming snapshot that Kim Kardashian uploaded in March 2020! Instagram Say Cheese! "My baby boy is so handsome and sweet," Kim captioned the snapshot. Instagram Cousin Love "My sweet Storm...